Within 24 Hours

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We discovered the people behind the Kidnapping thanks to Anastasia's paranoia about us being sabotaged internally and externally. She set up traps to assure we always kept safe. But the key issue was that even if you set up traps to determine who does what there are those who will make it easy to get past things and an HR person did just that. Mrs Richard Lincoln posed as Iris Porter and because she had glowing references and had a great background check created by another astonishing computer geek Nathan Brown. I know him well and he was paid very well. He was the brother to Carole and David Brown. But he was only asked to create a false background for an Iris Porter and given all the information to put in it along with all the documents needed to show who she is and created an authentic looking background check with the photos of Mrs Richard Lincoln. Richard was the one behind the kidnapping and it was executed very well. Except they didn't frisée Andrea being with them and pregnant. Because they let her go we were ahead of the game and everything went down before Anastasia got too hysterical about her missing husband.
When I told Barney about my creating safety and security caches just to keep track of any kind of possible infractions. They finally tell me that Christian has been kidnapped and they are tracking the people down now and they have an idea on where to find them. I reminded Barney of the files that I sent him on how to locate our internal rats. It's the rat file. It's alarm goes off and alerts him, me, Welch, Jason, Roz,, Charles, Andrea and Carrick. All alerts were set off, but since we rarely get any they failed to recognize it as a major issue to check into immediately. Now I am too nervous to feed our sons. I tried to relax but babies sense things are amiss.
The next day I see my husband smiling at me and he looks tired, but I am so happy he is alive.
We both had a rough day didn't we? They caught everyone involved in the kidnapping. They are still working at finding the Lincoln's who were the masterminds behind it all. Mrs Lincoln was using Iris Porter's information to get inside and she did a good job of it and was very patient and chose a time when you were off to implement her plans. She knew you would catch her if you were at the office. She hired a few people who could help her get things done without HR noticing it was happening. Mostly in the computer areas. You had four rats because of Mrs Lincoln. We have them all dead to rights because you had other fail safes in place. They let Andrea go because she was having labor plans. She is okay. I gave her the rest of her pregnancy off to get better. They got her labor stopped, but I don't want to chance anything else happening since they lost the last two. I told her she can use the jet to go anywhere she wants. Security will be going along. Of course she will be getting it all paid plus her usual bonuses for jobs well done.
You should buy her a new mini van as well, they need a new car. Plus have Elliott go and design them a nursery of their liking. I know that you have built the child care center already make sure the people are who they say they are. I heard you fired a lot of rats.
Yes and we have been looking in those files even further and added a number of other checks to them that we found that helped locate even more rats. We will be adapting the rat alarms and using them for a few other things and at other locations. You and our babies were safe and that was what I was most concerned about more than anything. Plus I am glad they brought Andrea to the hospital, that alone was a huge saving grace of the guy who was in charge of capturing us. It turns out he was being given orders by his parents that he ignored and had Andrea safely taken to the ER. It was how they found out that we were kidnapped and hadn't gotten far yet. The FBI found where we were and got us out of there before anything bad could happen. Nathan Brown helped find us.
We finally named the boys Theodore Raymond and Thomas Carrick Grey they were finally able to breast feed easily. Andrea was wheeled up to my room to see us. They found out the sex of her baby. She wouldn't tell us but her husband was thrilled about it. They are going to take the jet to our place on the island. Gail called and got the place ready for them. The caretakers and security are ready for anything if needed. Andrea called in her three back up employees to come take her place until she is released to come back six weeks after the baby is born. Dr Greene released her and gave her the okay to fly in two days. Those drugs to stop the labor worked very well.
I look at my grandsons and smile because once the grand babies arrive there are usually more. Carla can't let go of them. I look at her and it reminds me of her holding the girls at that age.
Grace and I monopolize the boys until feeding time and diapering time. Photos are being taken and I can't believe the visitors who arrived to give congratulations, the Carlyle's. Their little girl is very beautiful and she is five months pregnant. Gia has definitely changed her wardrobe. She looks like a wealthy pregnant socialite now instead of a whore. She also looks very in love with Carson. He dotes on her and their baby and the unborn one as well. I think we are all amazed at the change in her.
The boys look exactly like Christian but with Anastasia's eyes. They are gorgeous. I at first didn't know who Gia was but I found out as soon as she spoke. Her little girl was adorable and wouldn't let go of her mommy who is pregnant again. Carson and Gia look very much in love.
I whisper to Carson that he was the best thing that ever happened to Gia and he says that she was the best thing that happened to him. I look at them and they are very much in love with each other. The little girl is very beautiful and number probably will be about ten months younger than their first one. The baby holds onto both her parents and you can see she isn't a baby that isn't cared for by nannies. Gia and Carson surprised us all.

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