Anastasia Delivers

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The one day I need my overprotective husband everything goes wrong at work. So I just rest in bed thinking these are Braxton Hix contractions. I finally can't lay down any further due to the back labor, so I go outside for a walk around outside. I look at the office and check on what the employees are working on one at a time. Just as I sit down on the bench outside my water breaks and I can't scream out for help. I send a message to whoever is paying attention and one of my employees just caught the end of it and asks me where I am so they can send help to me. I tell them where I am and to tell them to use find my iPad to locate my exact location. They pull it up and within several moments I have company and an ambulance crew with a gurney. I thank my employee for helping me and give the iPad to my bodyguard.
Thomas Sawyer
I called mr Grey but couldn't get through to him or Jason. We are trying to figure out where they are at this point. We are trying to figure it out. Even Andrea can't be reached at this point. Barney and Welch are checking on things at this point. I called your family and the Grey's and they are in their way to the hospital. The babies CPO's are on their way to the hospital. As I say this we are running to the ambulance and they have to stop and deliver one baby boy. We finally get in the ambulance after they make the baby is breathing and cleared all the fluids off him. We get in the ambulance and number two is not waiting so we have to sop and deliver the other boy. We finally arrive at the hospital. I am holding one baby and mrs Grey is holding the other baby.
I can't believe these two came that fast and with no pain medication. I was so scared, it they worked so fast that I didn't have time to need the pain drugs. They gave me something to relax my muscle spasms as my after birth expelled on the way to the ER. It was a huge mess. Thomas stayed in the room, but refused to look because it was a direct order by Christian in case this might happen. Hard not to laugh about it. My boys were weighed, measured and tested and they asked me about circumcising them. I agree to have it done on the boys. Finally everyone arrives and they bring my boys to the room.
Dr Greene OB/GYN
Well I can't be charge you for me delivering the babies because the EMT's did it all. She thinks I am joking. I check her over and they delivered the afterbirth as well. I ask if she is in pain or running a fever and I know the answer to the question she looks fine. Almost like she has not given birth to twins. Goodness she could be on vogue right now and so could her twin sister. There are three big men guarding the room. Her husband makes sure she and her babies are safe.
We watch as the man points his weapon at us. We just landed back in Seattle when a group of men arrived in our cars to pick us up. These are not our security. I have no idea who they are, but the trip to Portland was a loss and it felt off. Jason suggested as such before we took off for Portland. Now we are being taken hostage at the airport. I am not allowed to move in anyway. Andrea is scared and six months pregnant. I can't assure her everything will be okay, because I don't know it will be. Our phones are off and we are on the tarmac far from where anyone might notice any issues.
Unknown Kidnapper
I have my orders and we put the three in the SUV and head to my grandfather's cabin. We will get everything back that mr Grey took from us. The woman is pregnant and I almost let her go, but she would run to the cops immediately and we can't have that. We took the SUV's very easily with the credentials our friends made for us. We were able to get the guns after we got the credentials. Amazing what using the Grey name can get you in Seattle. I call dad and he said that I need to get them to the cabin immediately.
Kidnapper 2
I ask the woman if she is okay as we are leaving the airport. She looks like she could faint any time soon.
I am hurting and might be in early labor three months early. Please let us go. I don't want to lose yet another baby. Please.they have the car stopped and put me in the back SUV and I am taken to the ER. They drop me off and drive off I call for help and tell them to get the cops and start telling them about the kidnapping. As they get me seen by dr Greene. The pain was my body warning me to relax. They stopped the early labor pains. I then find out Christian is the father of twins. I call Barney and have him track the SUV's missing from GEH. The cops are involved and they don't know how many they will find when they arrive. I know there six at least. They are heavily armed.
After we get a call from Andrea we start the process of locating the SUV's . We are also trying to figure who gave GEH credentials to criminals. Anastasia set up a program that tracks every badge number and credentials and who created what and when and it is all recorded using facial recognition. So they can't get away with much with the programs she created. To actually get around it is impossible. Welch and I have it tracked down to two people and they are on duty now. Activity on their computer has changed and videos are being uploaded into their systems. We track it and open it before they are able to open it up. It has FaceTime coming through and we have our webcams turned off as well as the employees cams too. Security has them in custody now.
Three hours later we have gotten Jason and mr Grey free from the kidnappers. There were 12 involved in total. Four were actual employees. The FBI got wind of it all and joined in on what they called fun we call scary as hell. During all this Anastasia gave birth on the way to the hospital. I am an Uncle. Mr Grey us going to be mad about the employees getting hired here, but they had all the credentials. Their references checked out as well. But we now found out that they person who hired them was in on it as well.

In The ShadowsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora