All Consuming

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I sit in the corner and watch my favorite person drink his coffee and read his phone. His security is watching everything so I make sure I don't draw attention to myself. I am not sure when I started or if it is just a coincidence but we seem to be in the same places at the same time. Constance
Are you listening Ana?
Yes you said we should meet at the Mile High Club for a nice meal this evening.
I watch her and she is watching Christian Grey. I have to say he is nice to look at, but he has a lot of women throwing themselves at him. He is very handsome and add to it he dresses impeccably and has the billions to go with all that hot body. Anastasia gets my attention and tells me she needs to get going. I decide to stay and finish my meal.
I feel like I am being watched. I get through my emails and finish my meal. I head out and am stopped because a person has fell and is getting helped up from the floor. Apparently someone spilled their coffee on the floor and the person slipped on it and they are hurt. I move back to allow them to get them on the gurney. A beautiful young lady goes rushing to the person and bumps into me.
I hear the commotion at the front door and see that Anastasia has yet again taken a fall. I run her way and bump into Christian Grey on my way to get to the EMT's. I give them her information because she is unconscious. We are out of there, I get the information on where they are taking her and call dad and mom. I look back and see Christian Grey talking to the manager of the coffee shop and he doesn't look happy. They immediately clean the floor up including my sisters blood.
I was walking and then I saw black. Mom and dad are by me and Constance is on her phone. As usual. My head is aching.
Dr Grace Grey
I walk in and do a double take my patient has an identical twin. When she arrived I at first thought she was a child, but soon discovered when they took off her hoodie and the other garb that she was a rather beautiful young woman. Just very petite like her mother and sister. I explain that Anastasia has a concussion and the blood loss was from a cut from where she hit her head as she fell. It is in her hair lines and has been cared for. She will need to be watched and if she gets a headache that increases in pain and or throws up she is to come back immediately. I give them antibiotics and a mild pain reliever of two days supply.
We leave with Anastasia and I have someone pick up Anastasia's car from the coffee shops parking lot.
We get Anastasia home and get her fed and off to rest. It was a long day of running tests and her being unconscious. When she became lucid we knew she was out of the woods.

I have a word with the coffee shop owner about the fall the person took and the reason it happened. Then I saw the blood where the person hit their head during the fall. The edge of the counter was in a dangerous spot and needed to be changed to prevent these kind of injuries. Elliott could come and look it over and change it for them for nothing. I talk to the manager and then call Elliott and he agrees to swing by and look and he wants to drive my newest acquisition. I finally agree and I hand the phone to the manager to set it up.
I remind mr Grey we have to get him to an appointment and we leave for his office and this time his car is waiting for us. Sawyer is driving and we get in and off we go like a flash. Sawyer loves the rush of driving a top of the line luxury car that drives like a sports car. I have to remind him to drive safely.
Taylor called me so he get them to the meeting they have waiting on time. It is a huge deal. So I speed the three blocks to pick them up and then speed to get them back on time. I park by the elevator in the garage and let them out. I look and they have five minutes to get to the top floor.
Roz is tapping her foot as I get to the conference room holding the files Andrea just handed me along with my iPad and my pen. I grin big and that just made Roz angrier.
I hate when he just breezes in with a devil may care attitude and looks like a GQ model. While I need a visit to check my make up and style my hair after raking my hands through it working all the final touches to the contracts out and gets them to his assistant.
I know when I see the head of the company comes out of the meeting in a bad mood they didn't get what they want. Then I see Roz and mr Grey grinning behind them. Who knows what millions of dollars they have made in this deal. I know he buys companies and divides them into various parts. Sone he saves others he sells off the parts he doesn't want. He tries to assure all employees still have jobs or they can be re-educated somehow.

Three days later same coffee shop new counter area by the entrance and exit.
Anastasia Is running a few moments late unlike her. I order my meal and sit at her favorite corner table.
I get my food and head to my favorite table when the manager stopped me and asks me if I am okay and he wants me to send him the bills for my medical from the fall. I tell him that I am covered so he does need to worry about it at all. I finally get to my table and sit down in my new hoodie. The other one had blood stains, so I am using it for other reasons now. I am still getting used to this hoodie. It's all flowers and sunshine thanks to mom and Constance. We eat and Constance points out that Christian Grey is here as well. I look and he is in a sweater and jeans. He looks great in anything he wears. He is sitting with two women and a man. It looks like a double date.

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