Chapter 25: The Beginning of Our Downfall

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"So this is what a train is like? I didn't realize it would be this.... public." King Kuei was nestled in a seat, flanked by palace guards while the rest of us sat around him. The other passengers were intensely staring at us, absolutely baffled. It wasn't always common to see the King of Ba Sing Se casually out and about.

"So you've never been outside the Upper Ring before?" Katara attempted to make conversation.

"I've never been outside the palace." King Kuei admitted. He looked out the window and stared wistfully outside. Aang was flying on Appa. "Now that's the way to travel." He turned back to the rest of us. "So, may I ask where we're going?"

"Underneath Lake Laogai, your Kingliness." Sokka said, "To the Day Li's secret headquarters. You're about to see where all the brainwashing and conspiring took place."

However when we got there, the evidence was destroyed. As Toph brought up the rock pathway, we found it crumbled and destroyed.

"It's gone." Toph said.

"Hm, the Dai Li must've known we were coming and destroyed the evidence." Katara said. But, the King frowned,

"Long Feng was right," He said, walking back to the carriage, "If you'll excuse me, I'm going back to the palace." As I watched him wank away, a feeling of realization came over me.

"The Fire Nation's attack." I said.

"The wall!" Katara gasped and nodded, "They'll never be able to cover that up in time." Aang rushed to the King again,

"If you come with us to the outer wall, we can prove to you that the secret war is real." The King shook his head,

"No Earth King has never been to the Outer wall. I don't have anymore time for this nonsense." Sokka called out,

"If you come with us, you can ride on Appa," The King paused, and his face split into a smile.


Two guards went with us. We all grappled tightly to Appa's fur as Aang directed Appa to the outer walls. As much as the King was frantically shouting, it sounded like he was having fun.

"First time flying?" Toph asked.

"It's both thrilling and terrifying!" The King shouted back.

"Yea," Toph smiled through a sigh, "I hate it too."

"I have to be honest with you," The King said, "Part of me really hopes that what you're telling me about this war isn't true."

"I wish it wasn't." Aang said up front. A sad look crossed his face as we approached the wall.

Once we got closer, I spotted it. Although it was covered with some tarp, the Fire Nation insignia was far too big to not be seen. As we got closer, Aang pointed.

"It's still there?"

"What is that?" The King asked, worry lacing his voice.

"It's a drill." Sokka explained. "A giant frill made by the Fire Nation to break through your walls."

We landed on top of the wall for the King to get a better look.

"I can't believe I never knew." He said, looking very miserable. Suddenly, Long Feng appeared with two Dai Li agents,

"I can explain this, Your Majesty," He said briskly, "This is nothing more than... a construction project." I scoffed,

"I didn't know that your construction project would have a giant Fire Nation insignia on it?" Long Feng cringed, but maintain composure under King Kuei's gaze.

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