Assassin Sights Part II

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Over near Ryannus, a Neo-Vandal lunges at him in the air. He sees the Zolleran coming and quickly ducks down and spins his body around to sweep the NV's legs out from under him, he crashes face first into the ground. Ryannus get's up to find another Neo-Vandal heading for him. He catches him around the shoulder and drives him down right into the point of his knee. Ryannus then slams down on his face with the side of his fist.

Not a second after that, Ryannus feels the kick of a NV right in the side of his head. Out the side of his eye, he sees it was the NV commander. Ryannus stumbles back and into another man that punches him in the lower back and then throws him by the back of his vest across the floor. Ryannus rolls across the concrete from the momentum. Once he stops, he looks up to see the NV that threw him jumping down at him. He quickly catches him with a beam to the chest, picking him out of the air.

Another Neo-Vandal unleashes a powerful beam from his hand, it hurtles toward Ryannus. Before the beam can connect, Ryannus dematerializes from its path. He reappears to the NV's left and charges at him. Ryannus grabs him around his face, around that gold and chrome mask, and slams him through a concrete column. Ryannus holds on and soars through the air, slamming him through another column, and another. As he goes through the third, he releases him. The momentum sends him flying forward tumbling on the ground until he hits the wall of the parking garage.

The NV commander picks this time to attack Ryannus. Holding his damaged knee, he comes at him, throwing rights and lefts. Ryannus blocks them all of. The commander pulls back to form and energy orb in his hand. He then fires it at Ryannus. With a quick backflip, the orb just misses Ryannus. But the energy continues to fly through the air until it gets to the NV that Ryannus threw to the garage wall. That orb smashes into the ground under him. The resulting explosion rips through the NV and lifts him into the air. He then falls to the ground, close on fire from the blast.

Jessie is pinned to the ground by her attacker. He tries to fire a beam into Jessie's face, she struggles to keep his hand away. Blasting holes in the floor near Jessie's head. Seeing an opening, Jessie punches the NV right in the throat and then quickly sets him up in a triangle choke and armbar. She wraps her legs around his neck and head and pulls his shoulder out of its socket. First there is a "crack" and the Neo-Vandal yells. Jessie releases him, leaving him to crawl away. Jessie get's back up to her feet to finish him off. She jumps into the air and flips over. She comes down on him with the bottom of her feet into the back of his head. Jessie uses her strength to smash his head deep into the concrete.

Ryannus jumps at the NV commander with a flying punch, cracking his mask and knocking him off his feet. Not far from him, Jessie watches Dakel pick up one of the metal pole pieces and come after her. He swings the metal rod at her, the metal rod wizzes by as she narrowly avoids contact. Dakel then throws a punch that Jessie avoids. Dakel's fist smashing through a concrete column behind her. He comes down on her again with the rod, Jessie catches Dakel's arm.

Dakel- "You cost me another brother!"

Jessie knows he's referring to the Neo-Vandals they've had to kill in this fight. But this is how these Neo-Vandals wanted it. Otherwise, they wouldn't have set up this trap. This was obvious to Jessie. They wanted this zero-sum game and yet this Zolleran is blaming her for his friend's death.

Jessie- "If you knew what I lost you wouldn't dare say that to me!"

Jessie kicks Dakel right under the chin. She follows that up by knocking the metal pole out of his hand and diving her shoulder into his chest. Jessie swings Dakel by his arm and throws him away, right into the commander just trying to get back to his feet. Both writhe in pain on the ground.

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