Entry 15: What it all means

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I guess it obvious what she's after since she just going after me. Though I'm sure its not just me, but also Zack is after the girls. Either way getting out of here, with a robot dog and a giant scythe near me. Though I have no ammo reserves, so I can't drag out this battle. I should try to talk it out, though since I was insulating here I have my doubts of getting out. I just need time to make a plan without dying or needing to use my powers.

"So since I'm surrounded what do you want from me?"

"Quit simple I don't like you."

"Simple indeed, but why can't we talk it out like normal people?"


"Nope? Could you get this robot dog out of my way?"


Well this not going anywhere, though I'm sure she already knows what my plan was. Though I have already came up with an escape in mind, but I just need the robot dog to jump at me and hope to make my escape. So I decided to charge at her and I notice the dog stayed in placed. So that's what she had in mind, I guess I just need to make her get anxious. Though I have a feeling it might take awhile. She jumped back and got ready to swing her scythe, she swing it hopping that she can stop me in my place. Though I jumped right over it and I went for a punch.

She blocked it with her handle of the scythe and tried to knock my balance by kicking my legs. Which I put my hand on the handle of the scythe and brought her closer to me. What I didn't realize was that she was blushing for a second then regain composure. While I was blushing a little since her breast were on me. Though she took the chance to knock me to the ground and went to pin me down. You might be wondering why I haven't used my gun it's because it has honkai bullets and not rubber bullets. Which I assume she realize that I haven't use my pistol at all.

"Give up, John."

"Hell No!"

I aimed the pistol at my shoulder and pulled the tigger with no hesitation. Which made the maid get off and she looked at her shoulder. With a hole going though it, blood spewing out of the cavity.

"Why did you shoot your self?"

"It's easier to hurt myself than others. You can say that were even, I should take my leave."


The dog came at me, which means she lost her thinking after my stunt. Right now I need to go and as the dog jumped at me I shot its front right arm and I jumped to the right. Then I started to run and I shot a pipe which caused an explosion behind me. As I ran out to meet back up with Kiana and Mei, only to see them knocked out and all the other people were knocked out. I did basic first aid and went to check on everyone. Then I felt a powerful presence and I look to see a man with white hair and blue eyes. For some reason he was familiar, but I can't think of why that's the case.

"Who are you?"

He looks over at me and gives me a small smile. For some reason I felt sudden chills from him.

"I see that you have shorter hair this time around."

"What do you mean by that?"

Shorter hair? I've never had long hair."

"I see that your hiding your red hair as well John."

"Who are you?!"

"I see that you don't remember me. Looks like it worked, though should I kill you this time?"

"I rather not die and I wouldn't mind making explain what happen to everyone here."

He starts walking away from the scene and I just watched because if I tried to follow him... I would die. Then he disappeared and I went to check one everyone; they were still alive and I picked up Kiana and Mei. It was awkward since I put Mei on my back and Kiana with my hands. Though for normal people getting shot in the shoulder would put them out of commission, but since of my lovely past it's hardly anything.

As I walk back to St. Freya, I was getting a lot of weird stares though I didn't care about them. I got to the gate and notice a red hair and Theresa standing at the gate with not so happy faces. I kept walking to them I can tell they started to worry when they saw my bloody arm and holding the two girls.

"John are you okay?"

The red head asks me and takes Mei off my back and I give a nod.

"We need to get you to the hospital!"

Theresa was worried about me for some reason, but it's true I need to be treated. Then I hand over Kiana to Theresa and started walking there myself. Which for some reason I blacked out, I guess I should rest for a little bit. Though I wonder what happen to Zack since I haven't seen him near them?


Why did I do that? Why do I have feelings for John, no I don't but the girl in my dream does. It's weird that who over that girl was is making me this crazy. Though who was this red hair guy and how does that correlate with John. Ahhh I don't know anymore it hurts just to think anymore. If Mei knew what I was talking about, but my guess she doesn't though why did she develop feelings for John? Why is it like this when I can't be smart to figure things out myself.

When I saw them leave through the gate, I felt empty like I should've been in her spot. But why did I think like that and not being next to Mei. I don't get what that purple girl is and why she made me like this! I hate this feeling so much and why does everything revolve around John? Then I felt a sudden pain and I woke up; I notice that I was on the floor in my room.

Wait how did I get into my room? First I put myself into their date and then we went to the diner. Then he left to go to the restroom and for some reason I felt extreme pressure that knocked us out. So I guess we were carried here by John, first I need to check on Mei.


I awoke and I just remembered Zack who was after them. Though if the entire area was knocked out then Zack would've ran away. I can't believe he's back after I gave him a chance to redeem him self. Next time I will kill that bastard that tried to kidnap Aqua, stupid hesitation. I got up from the hospital bed and notice Bronya looking at me with her expressionless face.

"You still need time to heal."

"Don't worry, I'm just fine."

"The Bronya, recommends you to get time to heal."

I ignore her and started to run over to Mei and Kiana. No care for the way I was dressed, Bronya followed me not trying to stop me. I ran over to manor and ran in to see Mei and Kiana looking at me in surprise. I just ran and gave both of them a hug and they were shocked of what I did.

"Did Zack do anything to you guys?!"

"Who's Zack?"

Kiana asked and Mei looked at me in shock.

"Zack as in your best friend?"

"Well was my best friend, looks like he didn't do anything to you guys."

"Who's Zack? Mei? John?"


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