Chapter 16: The dinner

Start from the beginning

George had chocolate brown hair. He had mismatched eyes. The other was blue, the other was brown. He had 404 goggles on his head. He was wearing a simple blue sweater with a white button up under it with jeans.

'They must be Dream and 404 fans', Tommy thought.

"A fruit tea for Clay and a London fog for George", Tommy called out.

"Thank you", Clay said as they took their orders and left.

The last hour went by quickly.
Tommy cleaned up, and when he finished Puffy just stepped in.

"Ready duckling?" she asked.

"Yeah, give me a moment", Tommy said rushing into the back.

Soon he came out in a button up that was mostly white, but the shoulders and the sleeves were red.

"Now I am", Tommy said.

"Good", Puffy said smiling as they left.
Tommy locked the door then got in his mother's car.

Once they arrived Tommy quickly jumped out of the car.

"Don't you even dare get out mum! I'll get them!" Tommy said running off.

Puffy laughed to herself. "Don't worry, duckling. I'm not leaving", she said.

"Guys! We're here! Come on!" Tommy shouted as he stepped into the mansion.

"Alright, we're coming you little shit", Phil said, while Tommy grinned widely.
Phil was wearing a green dress shirt with black jeans.
"You're looking good Toms", Wilbur said as he stepped into the living room.

He was wearing his usual yellow sweater, though this time it was spotless. He had a black button up under the sweater, paired with some black jeans.

"You're not bad yourself either Wil", Tommy said.

"Tommy!" Tubbo ran down the stairs.

"Bee!!!!! Slow down, please!!!" Ranboo ran down as well, worried that his short friend would trip and fall and hurt himself.

Tubbo was wearing a yellow t-shirt with some black pants, his hair covering his eyes, while Ranboo was in a white button up. He had a red tie and black jeans. He also had black and white gloves. (Just imagine Ranboo cosplaying himself without the crown)

"Hey Tubbs! Tho, you know, Ran's right. You might hurt yourself", Tommy said. "And I don't wanna have to heal you up right before the dinner", he continued.

"Alright, alright", Tubbo said.

"But, let's go! Mum's already waiting", Tommy said as he walked out of the house. "How are we going?" he then asked.

"You three can go with Puffy, and Techno, dad and me will go in our car", Wil said.

"Alright. Come on!" Tommy said grabbing his friends' hands, dragging them towards Puffy's car.

The trio got in and they waited for the others to drive out of the garage so that they could leave.

Once Phil's silver car was in sight, Puffy started to drive away, making sure the others were following.

They arrived at the house rather quickly.
Everyone got out. They marveled at how nice the house looked.

"That's a very nice house. Smaller than what I'm used to, but nice", Phil said.

"Thank you", Puffy said.
She was wearing a white button up with a black skirt.

"Let's go in, Foolish must be waiting for us in there now", Puffy said as she opened the door for the guests.

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