Chapter Eleven

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*Woah, so many views! thank you to all who are supporting me in this story, it blows me away that this has even got any views! And I've gotten a spike in followers. I love you all so much.

I haven't been updating because I had to go to the hospital for depression, but I love you, thanks for the support.

If you liked this story, I will be doing a re-write, and I am starting a few more stories. PLEASE support Periwinkle Pink, it'd mean a lot. I'd also love you forever if you read Death & the Devil, a new sci-fi. Also, anyone interested in making a new story cover? It needs a new one, and I suck. (and swallow ;)

lol jkjk. Anyway, I'd like to wrap this up and re-write it. I've got a lot of people telling me it's the best story ever, and I will forever love you. This story means the world to me, and I'm kind of disappointed in it. But thank you anyway, the plot is going to pick up with the red wolves, yeah?


"I'm going to murder whoever invented heat." I mumbled.

The heat went away for long enough, knowing I pleased my mate gave me two sweet days of freedom.

"Honey, it'll keep happening until you mate, officially. You're the one who decided to have him mark you, my amount of sympathy is zero and a half." Aleta laughed.

"Ladies," Scott laughed, "I don't have that problem. When Yui is on her heat, we fuck like rabbits."

"And that's how she ended up pregnant with four pups." I snapped.

His face fell, almost, but was replaced with complete adoration.

"Maybe I should go check on her," he whispered, standing up and sprinting away, out of Stephen's room.

"Aww, love, isn't it sweet?" Aleta giggled. "And sweetie, at any time of the day, if you feel like relieving that heat, tell me, and I'll send in lover boy."

I shoved her gently, propping my feet up on a footrest, laughing.


"How'd today go?" Stephen asked, walking into the bedroom.

"Worse then ever, but manageable, you know?" I smiled.

"I don't, but I get boners that last forever, if that counts." He smiled, and I glared at him.

"You are so gross, you know that?" I hissed.

"Baby, you love me, admit it." Stephen laughed.

He walked over to me, sitting on the bed, and his lips landed on mine.

I melted into him, savouring how it felt, loving how his lips melted with mine.

"Pippah, you know I love you, right?" Stephen asked, eyes searching mine as he pulled away.

"Forever, baby." I said, smiling at him.

"I want to fully mated."

I was taken back for a second.

Was he asking what I thought he was?

"You want to have sex?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No, baby, with you, it'd be more then that. It'd be finishing the mating process, no more heat, no more wandering male eyes," he growled softly, "and everyone would know that you're mine."

I felt my throat close up a little bit.

"When you saw it like that, how can I say no?" I asked, leaning in to kiss him.

He laughed, pulling me onto his lap, and we kissed, slow and steady, before I deepened it, reminding him of what we were going to do.

Pushing me onto my back, he nibble my neck, and I moaned slightly.

"Babe, just wait. You'll be doing a lot more of that when I really get started," Stephen growled lowly, and I chuckled, nodding.

Damn it, I fucking loved this asshole. This weird, pervert, handsome asshole.

Pretty soon, the clothes were on the floor, both of us naked as I stared into his eyes.

"Do it." I answered his silent question.

After that, Stephen blew my fucking world.

 ~Huhuhu, I'm not writing that shit, you pervs. LOL, if you want me to, I will, but say yes, be nice, and I'll as forbidden scenes. Read on, lovelies, all clear!~

"Alpha, we have a problem," someone said, knocking on the bedroom door.

Both of us were exhausted, and Stephen was telling me how much he loved me, me being cuddled into his body.

"Go away!" Stephen growled.

The other wolf whimpered, before growing a pair and replying.

"It's an emergency. It's a problem with the Northeast pack." He said.

I tensed up at the memory, but relaxed when I felt Stephen's hand playing with my hair.

"What are they doing?" Stephen asked.

"Rebelling. Their killing off their members, and joining with Rogues. It's serious, their putting all the weak members in the center of their town, and getting ready to kill them."

I sat up, panicked.

"Shit," Stephen sighed. "Fine, we'll be out in a few minutes."

"Hello, Luna," the man on the other side of the door said nervously.

"Hello, Richard." I laughed. "Now go away, please."

I felt his presence leave the other side of the door, and I went toward my clothes, grabbing a pair of old jeans and slipping them on, putting on a loose tank top.

Grabbing my old army jacket, I went for my worn leather boots.

"What are you wearing?" Stephen asked.

"Babe, we're going to have to fight. It's not just anything. They won't go down easy, so I'm going. This is my fight too, you know." I said, tying the boots and standing up, beginning to French braid my hair.

"I don't like you coming along." He said softly.

"And I don't like you going without me!" I snapped. "How am I supposed to make sure you don't get hurt? Besides, no one knows them better then I do. I grew up with the fools. Trust me, I've taken on tougher opponents." I moved over to him, wrapping my arms around his neck, pecking his lips.

"Fine, but you stay near someone from our pack at all times, understood?" Stephen gave in, and I smiled.

"Promise, only if you do the same."

He rolled his eyes, gently pushing me away and smacking my ass.

"Fine, fine, now go and talk to the Warriors. They'll need some help. Red Wolves are tricky bastards." Stephen shook his head, laughing gently.

Strolling out of the house, I saw all the able members of the pack prepping, stretching, in black pants and a black shirt.

"Listen up, everybody!" I yelled. "Be ready, this is war."

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