Chapter Three

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*Woot Woot! Chapter Three is hereeeeee! I know last chapter was pretty boring, I just hoped you enjoyed it. To be honest, I don't like how I described what she was wearing, but theres a point to that later on in the story. Please, Please leave comments and stuff. I luff you all and seeing that anyone read my story makes me happy. Okay, to the point, lets go see what Pippah and Stephen are up to :o ;)*

Stephen led me out of the cave and out to the 'Main Cave,' as he called it. Basically it's where everyone spend their free time. Or the first cave I saw. The big one? Okay, yeah, I get, I'm rambling.

   "How about I give you a tour." Stephen smiles.

   "Fine." I grumbled. If he showed me around, I can plan my escape. I need to make it out before I get too attatched. He needs a leader, not me.

First he took me to a cave that he called the 'Warriors Cave.' He said thats where all of those trained to fight live. The cave has a bunch of doors that house the Warriors. They each have their own room and bathroom. This Cave was close to the entrance.

   "Just in case of attack." Stephen told me.

   On the main floor was the basics. Kitchen, bathrooms, living rooms, game rooms. The Main Cave is weird. It's mostly empty, it has rugs here and there and a large table with chairs to one corner. To another corner is the Living Room, with several couches and chairs with a TV.

     To the wall opposite of the entrance was the Game Room Cave, filled with just about any game you can think of. X-Box, Wii, air hockey, board games, popcorn maker, a wall full of movies and games. It's crazy.

     Across from the Warriors Cave was the Kitchen. The pack kitchen. It was pretty modern with all the cooking neccesitie. The walls were a dark red and the floor was black and white tiled. There was a couple tables and chairs for the pack, and there really wasn't anyone in there.

     Next we visited the second floor. This was basically where people have individual homes, complete with multiple rooms, kitchens, bathrooms and whatever else. Instead of a cave there was a wooden door with a last name on it. The second floor is basically a really big ledge with a railing. This is where mates stay, basically.

    After walking around the second floor where doors lined all of the wall, we went back down the stone steps and down another layer of steps to the area where the Elders stay, and where some have chosen to live. It's the safest part in the Cave, apperently.

     Doors were scattered about, and farther in you could hear babies crying.

 The Elders took up the first half of the cave, and there was a nursery at the end.

   Mothers were required to stay in a room in the Nursery for a month after the baby has been born. Safety percautions and whatnot, I suppose. They also stay in the room a month before they give birth, just in case the baby comes early.

   Also in the cave is the Pack Doctor, Emerald. She works in a jointed cave from the Nursery, in a big room filled with medicine and doors coming off it for patients.

    Lastly we visited the Basement, going down a different set of stairs from the Main Cave to where they kept prisoners. It was kind of creepy down there, where I saw many rogues, my people, beaten and tired, waiting for death, like I once was. It kind of pissed me off, but not all rogues were good.

"My gawd that was so much walking." I muttered, flopping onto the bed in Stephens room, which no longer spelled like skank.

     "Seriously? You've been living by yourself as a rogue for god knows how long, and walking around a pack house makes you tired?" Stephen laughed.

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