Episode 14B: Snow Cult Scuffle

Start from the beginning

Mortimer-No, you're not. I know what you're doing. This is just a plot by the Calix Animi. They decided they still wanted me down after I dispatched the first of their noble warriors, so they sent you back with the pretense of this so-called "Wondertart," and just when my back was turned, that's when you'd strike! Now, I might be an old man, but I'm smarter than you think, and you, you're just a child. A scared little girl who can't hold her own in battle.

Chalice-I never wanted to fight! I was hoping we could settle this peacefully, but you wouldn't listen!

Mortimer-You thought I'd say yes to any of your ludicrous requests? I've had enough of you meddling cups. You said you were borrowing this body?


Mortimer-Well, it's time to see how they like being a ghost!

(CUPHEAD fires a Crack shot at him.)

Chalice-Cuphead! What was that for?

Cuphead-He threatened Mugman, and he isn't even here to defend himself! I can't let anything happen to him!

Mortimer-Cuphead? As in the Calix Cuphead? What, did you age backward a few decades?

Cuphead-Actually, I'm his nephew.

Mortimer-Then this'll be interesting.

(He flies off of his throne.)

Mortimer-Who's ready to see me make snowkids out of the Calix and the Calix's nephew?

(The snowmen cheer.)

Chalice-(whispering to CUPHEAD) Cuphead, this is all your fault.

Cuphead-(whispering back) Well, sorry for standing up for us.

(MORTIMER flies from side to side. He lifts his robe. Four icicles drop out.)

Cuphead-Alice, you get the little guys. I'll get the big guy.

(CHALICE nods and shoots out the icicles using Converge. CUPHEAD begins shooting MORTIMER with Crack shot.)

Cuphead-What was that?

Chalice-It's the Converge shot. Mugman got it for me.

Cuphead-Oh. I forgot about that. I was too busy with that dumb relic.

(MORTIMER takes an orange whale out of his hat and smashes CHALICE with it.)

Cuphead-Alice! Are you alright?

Chalice-(rubbing her head) Yeah. I think so. It's weird that he hasn't outright eliminated us like last time.

(MORTIMER takes out his crystal ball and summons tarot cards that fly towards them.)

Cuphead-That just means you're stronger than last time!

(He parries a pink card.)

Cuphead-And you've got me.

Chalice-No, not that. Fifteen years ago, he froze me in a wall of ice.

(She begins shooting away some more icicles.)

Chalice-It's almost like...he's having fun fighting us.

Mortimer-Of course I am! It's not every day you get to kill a Calix a second time!

Chalice-I didn't ask for your opinion.

Mortimer-I bet you didn't ask for this, either.

(He rings a bell. The snowmen raise their hands. A snow golem is lowered from the ceiling and wraps itself around MORTIMER. It drops to the floor.)

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