Episode 13B: I Want My Mommy

Bắt đầu từ đầu

Mugman-Of course I do. It's...it's...

(Cut to DLC Island. CHALICE is floating by the ladder, which is between a graveyard and an airplane hangar.)

Chalice-They sure are taking a while.

Winston-(offscreen) Hey! What are you doing on our turf?

(CHALICE turns around to find WINSTON the bulldog chasing CHINA out from behind the hangar.)

China-I'm sorry. I'm very very sorry!

Chalice-Wait. Is that...

(She squints and then gasps as she recognizes her.)


(Cut back to the king's castle. CUPHEAD puts out one of the candles on the floor.)

Cuphead-You don't remember, do you?

(MUGMAN sighs.)


(CUPHEAD jumps up and puts out two of the middle candles.)

Cuphead-See? We barely even know her, but still...

(He puts out the last candle.)

Mugman-We have to see her.

(He dashes toward the heads and then parries them. The miters on the head turn into organ pipes that emit smoke while the teeth turn into keys. Cut to DLC Island. CUPHEAD and MUGMAN are climbing down the ladder.)

Mugman-So it's set? As soon as we make Alice real, we go look for Mom?

Cuphead-You bet!

(They reach the bottom.)

Cuphead-What's the next ingredient?

(MUGMAN takes out the recipe.)

Mugman-It says here we need some pineapple mint from the Howling Aces.

Chalice-The Howling Aces? I think I saw one of them kicking, uh...

Cuphead-Kicking what?

Chalice-Let's go find them.

(They begin walking past the graveyard. They pass a GHOST DETECTIVE.)

Detective-Say, young fry! I'm hot on the trail of a mystery, but I'm stumped! That contest of skill, that broken artifact, this eerie graveyard, I have discovered potent astral energy in all of these places. There must be an order and method to do it!

Cuphead-This graveyard?

(He wanders into the graveyard.)

Mugman-Cuphead, the ingredients!

Cuphead-Oh, yeah. Those.

(He approaches the gravestone on the right. A ghost rises behind it.)

Cuphead-You can go on and get those.

(He walks to the gravestone on the left. Another ghost rises behind it.)

Mugman-You're really going to prioritize a gravestone over getting Alice a body.

(CUPHEAD approaches the gravestone on the top left. A third ghost appears behind it. All three ghosts fly off, and a column of light appears around the middle grave.)

Cuphead-I just said, you can get them without me.

(He yawns and stretches.)

Cuphead-I think I'll take a little nap.


(CUPHEAD sits leaned against the center tombstone and falls asleep.)

Chalice-This is bad. This is really bad.

The Adventures of Cuphead and Mugman!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ