He's a phantom

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I'm back. Also I'm trying out a different writing style this chapter for future reference. Have a nice read.

Normal shit


I was honestly just sailing wherever at this point. Reasoning... I don't know where to go. Like how hard is it to find a base full of ships?

Ping... Ping... Ping...

What the hell? Why did my radar ping? It shouldn't be pinging. Unless... found it.

Azur Lane
USS Alabama POV

Why does bad shit always happen when I'm around? First the base got attacked, now Iowa fucking annihilated everything in that blast radius. Fucking crazy bastard.

"Bama you good?"

I got spooked again, and once again by Enterprise. Sneaky ship.

"Yeah, yeah. It's just... I should have stayed cautious" I don't like the look she gave me. Imagine a mix of pity and guilt and you get what I saw.

"Bama, you're not the reason he sunk." Know how many times I've been told that today. Well if I had a nickel for each time I'd have twenty nickels.

"I kinda am though. I was caught off guard by his final enemy. He was already injured and he had to fight alone because.. because.. because I was scared." Understatement of the century. I was terrified because I knew I had no chance against her unlike Iowa. I guess he knew this and decided to use the W23s as a failsafe.

"Why were you scared? You've always been brave. Fighting an entire fleet was idiotic, but also brave. You bought time for reinforcements and let the injured rest. In my eyes you're brave in your own way." Huh. Never thought of it like that. "But you can't be brave without fear. Being brave means facing that fear. You don't always have to win, you could lose and still be considered brave." Well thank you Ms. Pointer of facts.

"Well if I was brave then I guess I would do this then." Catching her while she was confused, I closed the distance before doing it. I kissed her. No, tongue not included, sick fucks.

A couple miles out from SE base

Why do I have a sudden sense of pride? Did Bama finally make a move? He better have, otherwise he's getting a haunting. Now how the fuck do I get this guitar out and about quietly?

Azur Lane
USS Alabama POV

'Why do I feel like Iowa threatened me from beyond the grave?' I thought to myself as we separated.

"That was.. surprisingly nice." See, even she thinks so. "Let's do it again." Ahhhhhhhh shit. Quick, cover your child's eyes!

S.E. Base

Where the fuck is their infirmary? It shouldn't be hard to fine, just follow the smell of blood, alcohol, and... wet animal?

"What the hell have I gotten myself into." I whispered as I grabbed a pair of red wolf ears to blend in. It's night and really dark, so they should have trouble seeing me. Right?

Also, I found a way to move the guitar quietly. Just shrank it. Really simple. 'Why do I feel pain on the top of my head?'

As I felt the top of my head, the supposedly fake wolf ears twitched and I felt it. You know the felling when you move your ears around, or when you raise an eyebrow. Kinda like that.

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