Why he fought

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Another chapter? So soon? Yep. I'm back bitches.



USS Iowa
2 hours after sinking

So.. it ends like that huh. Well I can't argue with it. Should have used more W23s on her though.

On the bottom of the sea floor Iowa could be seen on his bow laying atop his first turret. His ship and his body were incredibly damaged, up to the point that it gave up. But his spirit stayed.

I miss the old days, ya know? Where I could just enjoy the day before a fight knowing that I'm helping. But look at me now, a worthless wreck in the ocean. I just wish I had my 80s refit. That'd be a nightmare for anyone.

He just.. laid there unmoving. Then the thoughts came. Thoughts like he shouldn't have gone hunting and where the fuck is his flag. And with nothing happening, he decided to just remember.

September 2, 1945
USS Iowa
Tokyo Bay

Iowa: Well I'm proud of you sis. Getting the recognition you deserve. Just wish FDR was still here to see the end of this war.

It was the last day. Japan finally surrendered to the US aboard the USS Missouri, Fleet Commander Halsey's flag ship.

Iowa, much like his crew, were just happy that the damn war was over. He really could care less where they surrendered, but it seems that they wanted it to be personal.

Missouri: Big bro, are you happy!

Iowa: You could say that. I'm much more relieved than happy though.

Missouri: Why is that?

Iowa: This war is over, and do you know what that means? It means I get to spend more time with you guys.

The mood in the air was all joyful. Hell Missouri's crew even gathered up for a group picture. She even joined herself, but they couldn't see her due to her just being a spirit.

Iowa just smiled before joining his crew by spectating a game of poker. He knew that they couldn't see him, but he was damn sure they knew he was there watching over them.

It would take a bit, but a fragile peace would stay before the next conflict would happen in a split nation.

September 1952
USS Iowa
Korean waters

Iowa: Why do conflicts keep happening? I get it that it's human nature to fight, but why can't they be content with what they have?

Iowa was patrolling the Korean waters getting ready to bombard another enemy position. He was decommissioned, but it seems that they still need him and his siblings.

Iowa: Wish you guys were here Illinois.. Kentucky.

Iowa felt guilty for what happened to his siblings. They were used to repair him and his siblings before being used as scrap to build other ships. They were so close to being there, hell they were probably his favorites besides NJ. They were just to adorable for him.

" This is USS Iowa, in position to start firing."

" Confirmed. Fire away Grey Ghost."

Iowa: With pleasure.

Thunder could be heard for hours before Iowa stopped shooting. The only thing left of the enemy were multiple craters.

Iowa: Let's just get this shit over with.

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