Ah fuck! I'm being haunted again!

907 16 49

Fun fact: that image is from 84

time skip/My input
Talking/narrating/also actions

A couple days later
With Bama

Bama could be seen in the process of making a shack at the beach and progress was going quite well. The reason the progress was good was because of the manjuu around. They're very good at construction work.

Bama: They look like chickens, but they can work tools. I'm very concerned for this base now. All right now we just need the roof. Do any of you have a crane... forget I asked.

A manjuu with a crane could be seen approaching the beach before getting stuck in the sand.




A ghostly form of South Dakota, his world, was just staring at him like he was crazy before disappearing.


With Iowa

A loud sneeze could be heard, and upon closer inspection it was Iowa. Tirpitz looked at him surprised by how loud it was. Both were in their rigging to hunt down some sirens that were spotted nearby.

Iowa: God damn!

He quickly looked at Tirpitz to only find a look of surprise.

Iowa: What? Also is that a chicken?

Upon further inspection, it was indeed a chicken. The weird part was where it was. The answer is on the top of Iowa's superstructure.

Iowa: HOW!

Back with Bama

After a bit of freaking out, Bama and the manjuu saved the crane form the clutches of the sand empire and got the roof done. Now Bama can be a beach hermit with no shame.

Unfortunately Wales would find him a couple of minutes later for a meeting and to tell him to check up on Ning and Ping Hai.

By the powers invested in me, I invoke a time skip. Also because I don't know how to write the damn meeting.

Bama could be seen walking down the beach, back to his shack, only to see Belfast and Enterprise. What surprised him though was the fact that there was a food stand where they were.

What kind of food stand was the question though. The only way Bama could find out was to get closer.

Enterprise POV

'Is that Bama?'

End of POV

Yes, yes it was Bama. And he was confused as hell. Why? Well because it seemed like Ning and Ping Hai were perfectly fine and selling sweet buns alongside Hamman.

Bama: How and when did this happen?

Belfast: They simply asked Wales for permission. And as for when.. I don't know.

Ning Hai: We started making these yesterday.

Ping Hai: Also, we never got your name.

Bama: Oh, well the name's Alabama, but you can call me Al or Bama. Your choice really. Also are those sweet buns.

Ning Hai: Why yes they are! Interested!

Bama: Very! Gimme gimme please!

Ping Hai: Here you go!

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