"Should we help him?" Peter asked.

"Nah. Let him have this." Remus said proudly.

Their attention, however, was caught by a certain red head appearing next to them. They watched as she sent a spell towards the wall next to a masked man, not even coming close to him.

"Lily, you have to maim to hurt! We're at war here." James said, preparing to get closer to her and help the girl. However, a smile growing on the red head's face made him furrow his brows.

"JAMES!" He heard someone shout, and looked at the direction of the scream.

He was met with the love of his life running as fast as she could towards him. Donna was covered in dark ashes, coughing her lungs out, and immediately, the boy felt a shiver run down his spine. Something was definitely wrong.

"Don?"He widened his eyes, feeling his heart heavy at the sight.

"You mean like this?" He heard Lily Evans say, and he looked back at her. His breath caught in his throat once he saw her pointing her wand at his best friend.

"Lily, no!" He screamed.

"Crucio." They all watched as the red head used one of the Unforgivable curses while Sirius Black fell on the floor, a scream so loud erupting from his throat that the three boys could practically feel his pain.

And that's when it downed to them.

Lily Evans was, indeed, a Death Eater.

"No!" Remus screamed, trying to run towards his boyfriend, before being stopped by Peter, who used all of his strength to stop his best friend from running towards danger.

"Lily! Stop!" James yelled, shakingly raising his wand and pointing at her. "What are you doing?"

Lily chuckled as Bellatrix cackled, smiling proudly at the red headed. If Sirius was not almost going insane from his pain, he would have made a snarky remark about his cousin being friendly towards a 'mudblood'.

"I'm doing what I should have done months ago, Potter." Lily said, lifting the spell from Sirius. In a second, Remus was next to him, holding his face as softly as he could. "You have no idea how much I wanted to do this. Although, I was really hoping that you would be my first victim."

"W-what? Lily, what are you saying?"

Before she could reply, an icy voice boomed around the courtyard, making everyone stop their duels.

"Your efforts in fighting me are futile." Voldemort's voice said, making students scream, adults flinch and Death Eaters to smile. "You can't fight me. And I do not want to kill you. I do not want to spill magical blood." James grabbed Donna's hands, bringing him close to him as he had a bad feeling. "Give me the girl."

"What?" Peter Pettigrew screamed in anger and this time, Remus was the one to hold him back.

"Give me the girl, and no harm shall be done. I will leave the school untouched if you give me the girl. Alive." Silence filled the courtyard, no one daring to make a move. "For my followers, I will ask you to retreat immediately. As for the rest, you have two hours."

At once, dark smokes were found where the Death Eaters were standing, and in minutes, the enemy had retreated.

James still had an unreadable look on his face as he stared at Lily Evans, both pointing their wands at each other. "Lily, how could you?"

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