Chapter 2 - Akshara - Shared Feelings

Start from the beginning

And this earned a hearty chuckle from Abhimanyu.

"You know, sometimes I wonder that too. But I guess today was just a special day. Because who else can justify losing two important people in his life in one day."

"I'm sure you'll get through it. You just need to give it some time."

"But I guess it is my fault though. That she cheated."

I knew from personal experience that drunk people were some of the most honest people in the world. So, maybe Abhimanyu's words also held some weight.

"Why would you say that?"

"She claimed that I was too busy with work to pay attention to her. Which I guess I was."

"Abhimanyu, even if that was the case, that you were too busy at work, at least she should have talked to you about how she was feeling. She and your friend both owed it to you to inform you that they had a thing for each other. She could have initiated a breakup with you if she felt ignored in the relationship. But she didn't. Yes, you might have been too busy with work, but they didn't tell you about their affair either until you happened to find out."

"She said they didn't want to hurt me."

"Let me ask you a question. If she had broken up with you, and then they had started dating, would you have been hurt?"

He shrugged. "For a little bit, but then I would have eventually gotten over it."

"Exactly. And how do you feel now?"

"Betrayed. Hurt. Angry."


"Because I trusted them. If I wasn't giving her time and she needed me to, she could have just told me. And I would have tried. Very hard. I would have changed. But she never gave me a chance."

Abhimanyu was tired and it was evident on the brim of his eyes. Of what? I couldn't really say, but this man was troubled and no one could have told me otherwise. It felt as if he had given up on his life, his love and on his happiness. The man in front of her was broken. And he needed someone to pick the pieces up and tell him it was going to be alright.


"I know."

And I did. I understood. I don't know how I did, but I did.

I placed my palm on the back of his hand and stroked it gently.


Minutes passed and nothing was said between the two of us. And to be very honest, nothing needed to be said. I understood pain and loneliness and betrayal. Maybe not in the same way as Abhimanyu, but I understood.

"Akshara, do you want me to lock up?"

I quickly pulled my hand away from Abhimanyu's and turned to find Sean, my co-worker who sometimes helped me lock up.

"Yes, thanks Sean."

I turned to look back at a visibly smashed and about to fall off his chair and into a deep slumber Abhimanyu.

"Abhimanyu, where are your car keys?"

"In my pocket."

"Okay, good. You are not driving home. I'm going to call you an Uber and you are going to go home, get a good night's sleep and then come back tomorrow for your car, okay? What's your address?"

"21 West Street."

I quickly inputted Abhimanyu's address into the Uber app and ordered and Uber.

"Done. The Uber will be here in 5 minutes."

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