Topsy-Turvy Trouble

Start from the beginning

Kitty: That is hexcellent!

Lizzie: Kitty?

While Kitty was overjoyed with her mother's prank, everyone else felt a sense of dread over it. This was a serious issue. A lot of people were looking for that book and it was quite powerful. In the wrong hands, it could lead to disaster.

Kitty: I mean, I thought I was good at causing chaos, but she's on another page! That is so spelltacular!

All: Kitty!

Kitty: What?!

She was surpised to see that her friends didn't find humor in this joke.

Bunny: We were just trying to bring you the Storybook of Legends and now, because of your mom, nobody believes us!

Kitty chuckled.

Kitty: Yeah, but..

Alistar: Kitty, I know we've all been friends forever after...but, you've gotta learn that some jokes just aren’t funny.

Ruby: This is a serious situation, Kitty. We need that book back, especially with Oswalt walking around freely.

Kitty crossed her arms, believing that her friends were now turning in her. Oswalt himself watched this from nearby.

Kitty: I would have thought my friends, my Wonderland friends, would understand me. But I guess I was wrong. Charm you later.

Kitty vanished, leaving the five alone on the balcony. Ruby sighed, feeling like you could've handled the situation better if you were here.

Lizzie: Now what do we do?

Ruby: Well, maybe we can go back the way you came?

Alistair: Well, we came in through the Well of Wonder so...ah...

Bunny: How're we gonna find it again? It doesn't exactly stay in one place.

Lizzie: Oh, it's not that hard to long as you have a map!
Y/N: We need eggs.

Ginger looked up from peaches as the White Knight stirred the bowl of ingredients. You were working on getting the oven working again, throwing out the instructions to them so they could get the pie ready.

Ginger: How many?

Y/N: Two. Does this place have any?

The three of you looked to the fridge. It was sealed shit with a strange green goo. You were also pretty sure that this place had no electricity.

Y/N: Uh.....where do I find eggs in Wonderland?

White Knight: Nests.

Ginger: Oh! I think I saw one tucked away on the roof.

You rose to your feet and dusted your hands off. You then nodded.

Y/N: I will be back with those. Just keep getting everything ready.

You walked out of the shop while the two kept getting the pie ready.

White Knight: Wait a spell. What kind of nest was it you saw?

Ginger thought back to it.

Ginger: It was probably about the size of the stove.

White Knight: I see. So it must be a jubjub bird nest.

Ginger: What's that?


The two listened as clashing and banging came from overhead.

Ever After High: A Wonderful Semester (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now