I see him check on Ben's proximity before he whispers into my ear "ya gonna look hotter than her anyway, wotever she does ya hair like"


When we start our walk down the aisle, I see his face first. As I walk slowly in time with Jasmin, to the string quartet playing 'wildest dreams' it's Jacks eyes I meet, Jacks smile I reflect back.
It feels special, poignant.

The ceremony is actually beautiful,
Of course it's been planned down to the minutest detail, but it's genuinely beautiful and I hope that we were wrong, that they are soulmates, that it is forever.


Jack takes the glass of champagne that's been handed to him, and swiftly passes it back to Ben's 16 year old cousin "oi, you'll get in trouble with Ben's aunt if you're not careful!" I warn him.
I notice that Ben's mum has now taken Alfie and is milling around the room introducung him to anyone he may not have met, Carly following like a bad smell.

"Is the bar open? I need a soft drink" Jack wonders next to me.

"No bar lad" an elderly relative of Ben's tells him.

"I can't be the only one not drinking? Wot they giving the kids?"

"There's squash and tea over there lad, can't miss it all the old girls have congregated around the tea pot" the man  nudges me "it starts with dancing around your handbag, ends with gassing around the tea trolley"
Jack bursts into laughter, genuine, but far louder than the joke deserves.

"Oh go and get your bloody tea with the grannies!" I shake my head at him.

After chatting to Layla's family for a bit, I find  Jack sitting with Sian and Chris and Ben's gran.
"Look at you lot, party animals!" I laugh as I approach them.

"Ey, don' y'know this one's the worst, granny chilly!" He reaches for the elderly lady's hand as she laughs.

"That's right! You better watch out!" She jokes.

"He's definitely pulled!" Sian adds, rubbing her belly.

I smile at Ben's gran, "oh that's fine, have him I promise you'll soon be bringing him back when you realise what a pain he is!"

I sit next to Sian "you ok?" I ask her.

"Fucking uncomfortable, but yeah, I'll survive"


After endless photos we finally sit down, Layla has been gracious enough to sit me next to Jack at the top table, a fact I've been reminded I should be grateful for too many times to keep track.
"Only the best man and bridesmaids should be at the top table, but as it's Jack I'll do it" she had said, yeah do it for the photos more like.
Dele and Sian had not made the top table cut, but then neither had their parents, to save  Layla having to deal with their step parent issues, the table that should have been Layla and Ben, with me and Jack one side and two bridesmaids the other side was now me and Jack, Jack obviously next to Layla for photo preference, and Jasmin and Madders Ben's side, so Madders the best man was on the far end from me.

"I swear the photographer thinks I'm still best man" Jack whispers to me.

"Babe, shhhhh whatever, don't let her hear you" I quietly hiss back.
We both turn when we hear a bit of commotion from Ben and Layla.

"No Ben, he's fine with Carly!"

"He could sit between me and Jasmin, Jasmin don't mind, do you?"

"No, no of course not" she looks like a rabbit stuck in headlights being drawn into the heated discussion.

The Own Goal  ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora