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Peri : Sid what did you mean by that ?
Sid : look it's been a long day and I say stuff I don't mean so don't worry about it , night Pez (Sid goes upstairs)
(Juliet is packing her bags)
Macy : wow you hate me that much ?
Juliet : no no of course not it's not you I just need some space
Macy : you know you can talk to me
Juliet : it's Nadira
Macy : what about her ?
Juliet : we're going away together
Macy : wait what but what about Peri ?
Juliet : relax I'll be back in time for the wedding but don't say a word
Macy : Jules are you sure about this ?
Juliet : yes just trust me ok
Macy : ok
(Sid goes over to Juliet)
Sid : Jules I almost told Peri
Juliet : what ?!
Sid : it's not that easy Jules your lying to her and now I'm lying to her
Juliet : Sid just keep it together
(Macy walks in)
Macy : everything alright ?
Sid : who are you ?
Juliet : Sid this is my sister Macy
Macy : hi
Sid : wow you are so fit I mean hi I'm Sid
Macy : nice to meet you
Sid : yeah very nice to meet you , so if your like Juliet , do you start affairs as well ?
Macy : Affair ? , wait your having an affair with Nadira !
Juliet : well what did you think it was
Macy : your out your mind !
(Macy goes upstairs)
(Sid leaves and takes Juliet's phone)
Peri : hey
Sid : here's the phone
Peri : thanks
(Peri looks through Juliet's phone)
(Scarlett arrives in the village)
Summer : hi can I help you ?
Scarlett : yeah I'm looking for my sister , Nadira
Summer : right yeah just have a seat
Scarlett : ok
(Macy sees her)
Macy : Scarlett what are you doing here ?
Scarlett : I came to get Nadira also Laura wants to know when your coming back
Macy : I don't know yet , Juliet is in a state and I know you love her
Scarlett : yeah I do if Peri hadn't of stolen her from me she would of still been mine and I'm gonna get her back and I need your help
(Phoebe arrives)
Liberty : Phoebe you shouldn't be here
Phoebe : where's my mum ?
Liberty : now is not the best time for this
Phoebe : I need Sienna I need my mum
Liberty : I know darling
(Phoebe meets Poppy in the folley)
Poppy : hey babe
Phoebe : your doing this for Summer , I'm doing this for my mum
Poppy : are you sure you wanna do this ?
Phoebe : I want my dad dead , so I can get my family back
Poppy : let's do it
(Juliet and Nadira go away together)
(Macy finds the note)
Scarlett : what is it ?
Macy : they've gone
Scarlett : who's gone ?
Macy : Nadira and Juliet they've been having an affair
Closing titles

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