Revenge is sweet

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(Sid wakes up in the storage room)
Sid : Summer what's going on ? , please don't hurt me
Summer : relax I'm not gonna hurt you , you just kept going on about Brody and sienna and it just lashed out
Sid : I'm sorry
Summer : its ok
Sid : I'm sorry that I messed things up
Summer : no you didn't
(Sid holds onto Summers arm)
Sid : Look I'm here alright , I'm not going anywhere
Summer : thank you
(Sienna calls Liberty)
Sienna : Lib I've messed things up with Summer again , can you go check on her ?
Liberty : yeah sure
(Liberty goes over to the storage room)
Summer : oh hey Lib
Sid : yeah hey
Liberty : hi what's going on ?
Sid : nothing
Summer : yep nothing
(Sid leaves the storage room)
Liberty : are you going to tell me the truth or not ?
Summer : I just needed some space
Liberty : so you made a move on Sid ?
Summer : what no , Liberty my head was a mess , Sienna called off the wedding and I just had to take my anger out on someone
Liberty : did you hit him ?
Summer : it was an accident
Liberty : Summer did you sleep with Sid ?
Summer : no of course I didn't , i love sienna
Liberty : well then we can get this wedding back on
Summer : I don't know
Liberty : I know you still want to marry her so don't give up
Summer : yeah your right
(Summer goes to find Sienna)
Summer : hey
Sienna : hey , look Summer I'm sorry , I want to marry you , let's do it
Summer : ok great
(Sienna smiles at Summer)
(Liberty sees Warren)
Liberty : Warren it better not be true
Warren : it's not you really think I would do that to Sienna or faith , I care Lib of course I didn't kill Brody
(Damon sees and walks away)
(Sienna and summer start to plan the wedding)
(Liberty goes to see Sienna)
Liberty : hey
Sienna : I know lib , Warren can say what he wants , but I know he killed Brody and I'm gonna make him pay !
(Warren hears and knows what he has to do)
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