Sienna's all over the place

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Summer : so I was thinking we could plan the wedding
(Sienna sits in silence)
Summer : or I could make you breakfast
Sienna : Summer I don't want to eat right now or plan the wedding.. You heard what Sid said yesterday..
Summer : yeah but we don't know if that's true or not
Sienna : Sid wouldn't lie , why would he lie , Summer Warren killed Brody..
(Summer looks at sienna)
Summer : look maybe we should just focus on the wedding
Sienna : Summer don't you get it , Warren killed Brody
(Liberty knocks on the door)
Liberty : hey only me , look I've got to get to work , Damon has gone on a day out with Sid and Romeo so can you baby sit Faith ?
Summer : yeah of course
Liberty : great thanks
Summer : bye
(Summer grabs Faith)
Sienna : I need to find Warren
(Sienna walks out , Summer is about to go after her but she stays in the flat)
(Sienna goes to the garage)
Sienna : Warren , I want the truth , Did you kill Brody ?
Warren : what no , why would I do that ?
Sienna : Sid heard you
Warren : heard me say what ?
Sienna : that you killed Brody
Warren : you believe Sid over me wow , no it's not true sienna
(Summer is baby sitting Faith)
Summer : do you want to go feed the ducks , yeah let's go feed the ducks
(Summer gets a text from Sid)
Summer : come on
(Summer takes Faith to Sid)
Sid : hey
Summer : Sid what do you want ?
Sid : I just wanted to see how you are
Summer : yeah I'm great and sienna well now she's a mess , she's completely distracted by Brody and she doesn't want to plan the wedding
Sid : I thought I was helping
Summer : yeah well you definitely helped !
Sid : Summer , I wasn't lying , Warren killed Brody
Summer : I don't care Sid ! , I wanted him Dead !
(Sienna hears)
Summer : Sienna wait
(Sienna runs off)
Sid : Summer please
Summer : just stay away from me and stay away from sienna !
(Summer walks off with Faith)
(Summer goes back to the flat)
Summer : hey I picked up a cake for us celebrating our engagement
Sienna : Summer I already told you I don't want to plan the wedding
Summer : look if Warren did kill Brody then he killed him , you found out who killed him
Sienna : but he has to pay !
Summer : yeah and he will but you don't need to worry about him , let's just focus on the wedding
Sienna : there isn't gonna be a wedding summer
Summer : what ?
Sienna : the weddings off , Things have moved way too fast , I need some space , I'm sorry
(Summer leaves and starts crying)
Sid : Summer you ok ?
(Summer lashes out and hits Sid and locks him in the storage room)
Summer : Round 2 here we go
Closing titles

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