Summers proposal

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Liberty : look Summer , Sienna is sorry she didn't mean to lash out it was her grief
Summer : yeah I know , she's still grieving over that melt
Liberty : Summer , you know it's always been Brody
Summer : yeah I know and I can't replace Brody
Liberty : She does love you she just doesn't see it yet
Summer : yeah and I love her but if I'm just gonna be in Brody's shadow then what's the point of trying
(Summer walks off)
(Liberty goes to see Sienna)
Sienna : oh hey Lib
Liberty : what is wrong with you
Sienna : what ?
Liberty : I get it Brody is gone , But summer is still here and she loves you and I know you love her
Sienna : maybe too much has happened
Liberty : no you just can't move on , you need to forget about Brody , focus on the future sienna , You could have a future with Summer but you have to get over this whole justice for Brody plan
Sienna : yeah your right , I'm not gonna mess up with Summer
Liberty : good now go get her
(Sienna smiles)
(Sienna goes to find Summer)
Sienna : hey
Summer : what do you want ?
Sienna : I'm sorry about yesterday , I was out of order and I want you Summer , I want us to be together , so I'm going to forget about the whole Brody thing and move on and hopefully move forward with you
(Summer smiles)
Summer : well actually I was thinking
(Summer gets down on one knee)
Sienna : omg
Summer : Sienna Blake will you marry me ?
Sienna : yes of course
(Later on at the love boat)
Sid : wow what's with the celebrating ?
Sienna : me and Summer are getting married
Sid : what ? , but I thought you two were arguing
Sienna : yeah well we sorted it
(Sid leaves and punches the wall)
(Sid walks back in)
Sid : yeah well I think there's something you might wanna see
(Sid shows sienna and Summer the clip of Warren confessing to killing Brody)
Sienna : Sid , where did you get that ?
Sid : it was Warren sienna , Warren killed Brody
Closing titles

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