Working together

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Warren : Sid said he won't ever forgive me for hurting Summers dad or any of it
Liberty : Don't worry about Sid , we can deal with him later
(Liberty blackmails Sid)
Liberty : if you say anything to anyone about Warren then I will tell Summer that you had something to do with her dad dying or when sienna got shot
Sid : you wouldn't
Liberty : oh I would
(Sid doesn't say anything)
Liberty : I sorted it
Warren : thank you , look Lib I've been thinking
(Damon walks in)
Damon : Lib get away from him , he killed Brody
Liberty : Damon stop , your being stupid
Damon : no your the stupid one if you believe him
(Damon walks off)
Warren : hey you ok ?
Liberty : yeah I'm fine
(In the flat)
Sienna : Summer I think we should get away from here for a while
Summer : yeah I agree let's go
(Sienna and summer go away and Damon and liberty tell Sid)
Closing titles

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