Not giving up yet

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(Summer goes to visit Sienna)
Sienna : oh so you've not given up on me then
(Summer looks down)
Sienna : Summer what's wrong ?
Summer : it's Sid , he's dead
Sienna : what ?
Summer : Warren stabbed him and I tried to save him but it was too late , he died in my arms sienna
Sienna : Summer it wasn't your fault , but now you can get Warren put away , you can get me out
Summer : What is wrong with you , I can't deal with this right now
(Summer leaves)
(Peri gets the news)
Juliet : hey Pez what's wrong ?
Peri : it's Sid , he's dead
Juliet : what no
Peri : Warren stabbed him
Juliet : no no no , there has to be a mistake
Peri : I'm sorry Jules , he's gone
(Juliet breaks down and hugs Peri)
(Nadira sees)
(Juliet and Peri see Summer)
Juliet : you let this happen !
Summer : Juliet...
Juliet : your the reason he's dead !
(Juliet grabs Summer , Peri pulls her back)
Juliet : stay away from me !
(Juliet runs off)
Peri : I'm sorry
Summer : no it's fine I get it..
(Summer breaks down and sits down on the floor next to the space where Sid died)
(Damon sees)
Liberty : poor girl , I mean first she loses her dad and now Sid
Damon : yeah I know , Lib Warren did this , you need to stay away from him , he's dangerous
Liberty : Warren was just trying to protect himself
Damon : I can't do this Lib , you believing his lies , it's too much , I think we need space from each other
Liberty : Damon wait..
(Damon walks off)
(Nadira goes to find Juliet)
Nadira : I heard what happened , I'm sorry
Juliet : it's alright for you , he wasn't your best mate !
Nadira : you must of been close
Juliet : yeah we were , he was like a brother to me , we've been through so much and Sid he would always , always have my back and now he's gone and I'm on my own
(Juliet starts crying)
Nadira : your not on your own , I'm here
(Juliet looks at Nadira , Nadira holds her hand)
Nadira : we will get through this together
(Juliet hugs Nadira)
Juliet : thank you
(Nadira kisses Juliet on the head)
(Summer sees)
(Summer goes and gets herself drunk)
Peri : hey
Summer : hey
Peri : how are you doing ?
Summer : yeah I'm great , guess I've just got to drown the pain out again
Peri : you know getting wasted isn't the way to do it
Summer : I've got nothing left Peri ! , My dads gone , Sienna is in prison and now Sid !
Peri : I know and I'm sorry , maybe we could get sienna out of prison
Summer : yeah right , she killed my dad
Peri : Sienna wouldn't kill your dad
Summer : well she did
Peri : look why don't you come over to mine and we can talk
Summer : oh great another pointless chat
Peri : please
(Summer goes with Peri)
(Summer falls asleep , Peri pushes her hair back)
Peri : it's gonna be ok
(Meanwhile , Juliet and Nadira sleep together)
Closing titles

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