1. Stress

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Ben rushed out of his office and sat down against a tree on the campus.
"Okay, relax... you'll figure it out..." he kept mumbling.
Everyone was so busy and stressed out about everything.
Everyone had something going on where they either needed Ben's help or opinions about.
Yet no one asked if he had something worried about.
Hell, he was supposed to marry Mal in a month, he had multiple projects running for the isle and yet there he was, sitting against a tree... wanting to flee from everything.
"...are you okay?" a voice asked and Ben looked up.
Seeing Gil standing there with a bunny in his arms.
"I eh..."
Ben sighed and dropped his head in his hands.
"No, by far... no." he said and he felt himself shaking.
He heared how Gil sat down next to him and he felt the ears of the bunny tickling his arm.
"Where did you get the bunny?" Ben asked with a muffled voice since he still held his head in his hands.
"...Carlos took me to the animal shelter." Gil answered honestly.
Ben lifted his head again and looked at Gil and his bunny.
"It's cute."
"I know right!? I just gotta name her..."
"I'm sure you'll figure out a perfect name." Ben said and Gil looked at him.
"...you said you weren't okay. Why?"
"Because I'm not-"
"No like, why aren't you?" Gil said with a chuckle and Ben looked at him.
"Well, it's just all too much. Being the king, getting married soon... All the projects for the isle, which I'm thrilled about. It's too much pressure."
"...Harry told me once that king's can do anything they want."
"...not entirely. We also gotta follow rules and we have our duties... but I wish Harry was right. Then I could just run away, even if it was just for a day."
Ben sighed and he looked at Gil.
"You're lucky y'know. You can live your life. And you're planning on going on that trip with Jay soon."
"...actually I'm not. Jay has been spending a lot of time with Lonnie lately. He asked her to come with us... But I don't want to be a third wheel anymore..."
"What do you mean with anymore?"
"Harry and Uma... It's kinda obvious, even for me."
"It's fine... I got used to it I suppose... But I don't want to anymore."
"And you shouldn't, you deserve someone too Gil. You shouldn't be following other people but making your own path."
"...thank, I think?" Gil said and he turned to his bunny again.
"You think she can be my someone?" he asked and Bem chuckled briefly.
"I suppose, but maybe look for a human-someone." Ben suggested.
"Yea... that would be more fun. Then they would talk back... And probably be a guy instead of a girl." Gil said as he lifted his bunny up a bit.
"...I have the feeling that I shouldn't be suprised but... you're gay?"
"Yea, never felt much for girls. I mean in a romantic way..."
"This might be a stupid question but-"
"Harry says that I always ask stupid questions." Gil said and Ben turned to him.
"What's it like, being gay?"
Gil blinked twice and shrugged.
"Normal? I don't know..."

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