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George sat curled up next to Karl. He was sad. His little heart ached more than he ever imagined. He wanted dream to be there. He started to cry. The man he loved hadn't talked to him in weeks. Karl went with him so they could surprise dream and sapnap. But only ended up seeing Sapnap. Karl was happy and upset. The man one of his friends LOVED was Ignoring him. It pissed him off. He had to drag george out of the place they were staying just to get him out of his room. It made his heartache knowing it made his friend depressed.Karl got a message and looked down at it
Sappy<33 -awnser the door
Karl got up "Where are you going?" he asked the younger. "Sapnap's at the door." He said with a smile before leaving the room. It wasn't a happy smile more of a comforting-sad smile. He opened the door to see his boyfriend. He walked into his chest,instantly feeling relieved once arms wrapped around him. He let go looking into his eyes. The younger smiled at the boy infront of him getting a smile in return. The boy peeked out of his room and giggled. The older turned around and blushed "So why are you here?" He asked. " 2 things. The reason why dream ignores you and a plan to get him to talk to you." He said . "So..why is he ignoring me?" The brit asked " Because he loves you. He's trying to prove to himself he isn't. He sleeps during most of the day and just comes out for food. He worries me and everytime we talk he breaks into tears feeling bad about everything. He never wanted to ignore you but he just felt so.. inlove he thought it was an obsession." He explained. The small boy's heart lit up knowing he loved him back."and the plan?" He asked. "Dream forces me to drive him back sometimes and uhm you're gonna look all dressed up and get him to talk to you." The Texan said. Karl lit up and said "Why do you think i brought like 15 skirts." The. Brit laughed. Karl was happy. His friend finally was happy. He dragged the boy to his room. And threw an outfit to him. " WEAR IT. " Karl screamed slamming the door shut. He saw his two boyfriends cuddling on the couch and started to act sad. The dark haired male gave karl a kiss on the cheek. he smiled and felt their boyfriend give them cuddles. "KARL I HATE YOU!!" The brit screamed walking out. He was wearing a white skirt with a baby blue sweater and white and blue thigh highs. " Let's go." The Texan said. They drove in the car with karl on quackity's lap and George panicking in the backseat. He knew what dream looked like but he hadn't seen him in-person before. "remember the plan." Sapnap said getting a nod from George before unlocking the back seat door and letting George out. He showed the man his ID and went in. He sat next to dream. He just sat there until he noticed the small boy "..uhm hey George. " the younger said " hey. " he replied with a smile. " Look I know why- " " Why did you think ignoring me was the best option? " the small boy asked almost tearing up "Oh Georgie please dont cry. Please baby. " the Floridan said holding the other Male's hand. The brit smiled. It was genuine. He loved the male next to him and knowing he loved him back made his heart go through the roof. He started to cry. He started to regret this. He felt like he screwed up. He felt arms wrap around him and he cried more. He felt hands softly grip his thighs. He carried the small boy back to his house. It was only a walk away. He heard the doors open. The younger pinned the older down on the bed and kissed him. It wasn't rough,but very soft. He held the boy as if he was an angel from heaven. The boys pulled away and smiled. They felt loved and accepted in eachothers arms. Meanwhile with the other three. They were playing minecraft until they got a noise complaint. They ended up watching a movie and cuddling. In the end both couples felt loved.

HEY GUYS IM BACK:DD sorry about the wait. I was busy and my phone broke so now im using my old one ^^ but in all seriousness thank you so much for all the reads on this book. I love writing and i have a few chapters in my drafts. Im starting a server for you guys soon so stay tuned:) bye have a good day/night^^

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