My angel(Tuboo)

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Tubbo loved being an angel don't get me wrong,but he was so fascinated with this one human. He goes by the name Ranboo and is absolutely beautiful. He doesn't care he has facial dysmporphia he looks hot as fuck to Tubbo "Hello Tubbo." DreamXD said "Hey XD." Tubbo said still starring at the boy's every move " You love him don't you." Xd said. Tubbo slowly nodded covering his face with his brown jacket sleeve.Tubbo was fascinated with the human because he was his best friend before he died. His real name is Mark but he preferred to go by his last name. He misses the runs through flower fields, the jokes, the nicknames they would give each other while laying in flowers with their bodies opposite of eachother. He missed everything. "Tubbo, I would like to speak with you." Mumza said to the smaller boy "Yes mam." Tubbo said following behind her swiftly. They walked into her cloud made office. It was always a pinkish orange in there. Beautiful.She looked at him and sighed "Tubbo, I've seen how much you're attached to this human, and.." Mumza said pausing "I'm putting you back on earth." Mumza spoke. Tubbo looked at her shocked and teary eyed. He loved it up here. He had friends family,but..he didn't have Ranboo. He wanted Ranboo more than anything in the entire universe. He wanted the daily cuddles, he wanted the cheek kisses, he wanted the millions of flower petals in his hair that he would sometimes digest. But that's what lead to his death. Eating flowers. It was his drug. He was a petalholic. He could eat them now but he wouldn't in front of Ranboo.He didn't want to scare the poor boy. He wanted to love him again. Like they used to do. "How will I be there?" Tubbo asked "In the form of a human-angel . You'll have angel wings and a halo but will have human features, like bleeding and necessary breathing" Mumza said "Now go, he's going to be there soon!" she said before she teleported him there. Tubbo opened his eyes to see flowers. He put one in his hand and sniffed it. He missed that so much. He felt someone staring at him, he looked up to see Ranboo teary eyed "T-tubbo?" He asked "Yup that's me." He replied smiling.before he knew it he felt lips collide with his. He loved it. He kissed back loving the feeling of lips on his. their tounges tangeled up in the others. he pulled away to see Ranboo smile. "You don't know how long I've wanted to see you again." The angel said " You don't know how many times I've tried to commit and cut because of you." The human said "26 suicide attempts and 378 cuts over the span of the age range of 12 to 15." Tubbo said "Have you been?" Ranboo asked " hurt every time seeing you nearly die until they took you to a mental hospital for a year." The angel said starting to cry. Ranboo rushed over to him "Shhh, angel it's ok." He comforted crying as well. Tubbo pulled Ranboo into another kiss. This one was more desperate. They were so desperate to know this isn't a dream. So desperate to know they were actually in each other's arms. So desperate to feel eachother's arms wrapped around the other male. So desperate to be together again for the first time in years. So desperate to just feel eachother's presence. They pulled away and looked at eachother. They were so happy to eachother again. "Tubbo don't leave me again." Ranboo said. "I won't I promise. We'll grow old together and see our kids and grandkids." He said smiling."Your my Angel and nothing can change that."

Hello My Enders :) I am listening to Ranboo's latest stream rn so ya( addressing what needs to be addressed)

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