I inhaled deeply closing my eyes as I got out going back to the surprisingly comfortable couch dropping my weight down with a heavy sigh. I picked up my phone seeing that it was six in the morning and saw many voice notes all coming from only one person and that was Jared. I favored over his number completion whether to listen to them or not.

My heart broke seeing that the last note was sent at five am meaning he didn't get a wink of sleep all night. That did it for me as I let tears stream down on their own accord, he rarely sleeps without me there, what about now that we're breaking up, how will he do it. I sighed heavily coz I don't have anything to do about it, I need to think about myself for once.

"Don't call him" I whipped my head to the side looking at Walla with Molly in his hands who ran to me when he put her down sitting on my lap after licking my face. I started stroking her soft fur as she let out purrs.

"I wasn't planning on it," I say throwing the phone on the table.

"I hope not, he needs to learn his lesson and he won't be able to when you throw yourself back in his arms. Marc told me that he didn't sleep at all last night but hey, this is a price he has to pay for being a coward" Wallace said nonchalantly.

"I still love him you know" I whisper

"I know you do Ev, but this had to be done sooner or later" he walked toward me and sat next to me putting his hand on my shoulder. "He should grow some balls and tell his parents the truth Ev, it hurts me seeing both of you like this, but I think it's the high time for him to do this for you. You're already doing so much for him" I nodded blinking away the tears.

"I don't want to lose him," I say truthfully even though yesterday I was bent to leave him but now that I have calmed down, I don't want to.

"And you're not going to Ev, he loves you but this had to be done. It's time for him to choose and know your value" Wallace was right. Jared needs to know my value like how he values his parents. He is willing to hurt me as long as he doesn't hurt his parents which hurts but they're his parents, he had known them for years but doesn't hurtless. I sighed gripping my hair calming my racing heart. "I'm making breakfast, after we're taking you out, only the three of us" I knew he was talking about Wes.

"So what's with you and Marc," I say switching the conversation, I needed destruction.

"What about him" he shrugged putting on his apron and starting to make breakfast.

"Don't do that Walla, I was upset but I know what I saw" I say "you were seriously making out, outside your door" I add

"Um yeah, like I said it is nothing" he replies not looking at me.

"Since when do you like sucking dicks" the last time I checked he was straight like a rule.

"I don't know it just happened" he breathed in picking up Molly's plate and putting food in it.

"I would want more than that Walla," I say aching my brows at him. He sighed pushing his hand in his unruly hair as he leaned down on the counter looking into space.

"I have been hanging out with him so much lately" he breathed in swallowing hard as he put his gaze on me. "He slept with Ezekiel"

"No shit, Wallace tell me that you're shitting me right this minute" I exclaimed almost falling off of my seat.

"I shit you not, my friend,"

"Did they use a condom, you know Ezekiel is..." I trailed off.

"Unfortunately no" Wallace replied his jaw clutching tightly "I don't want to have this conversation with you Ev, it's not my place to say," he says.

"Tell me that Marc is safe please" I pleaded.

"I can't tell you that he trusted me with this and I won't tell his secret" I nodded in understanding.

"Why didn't he tell Jared and come to you," I ask curiously.

"I was there that day and I tried to stop him but he knocked me out. That basted punched me in the face. That's why I was so mad at him." I remember how Wallace treated Marc that day, now I understand him.

"So what brought to you making out,"

"Ummm... We have been spending too much time together and one night he came here saying that he doesn't want to be alone so I told him to spend the night here" he bit his lips "I had some girl here but when he came I told her to leave so I was already horny. I was in my room getting off when he barged in catching me in the act" he breathed in. "The way he looked at me, Ev no one had ever looked at me like that. The look he gave me hmmm... it's embarrassing but only looking into his eyes, the desire, the lust, the want, made me cum" he swallowed looking away from me and breathing hard as if he was thinking about it.

"do you like him," I ask lowly

"We've been fucking for weeks now, he says that he likes me though I know he is just using me because he is still heartbroken. I know he still loves his ex-wife" Wallace says shaking his head as in disbelief.

"But do you want to be with him"

"Being with him excites me, I love kissing him, his touch and so much more but I know he will break me if I give in so I just leave it the way it is. Just friend who fuck" he shrugged.

"Maybe you can take it slow and see where it goes. I saw the way he looked at you. I think he might like you for real" I say

"I guess but it's not easy as you think"

"Why so"

"I had never dreamed of being with a man before but now at 28, boom, I'm fucking one" he chuckled "and I'm so scared. Marc has been married for years, he has children. It's complicated" he breathed out.

"It's not about being gay Walla, it's about being happy and comfortable with someone. Even if it's a man or woman, to me it's enough as long as they love and treasure you that's what matters" he hummed biting his lips.

"Thanks, Ev, I will think about it, maybe talk it out with Marc" I nodded smiling at him, happy to help. "Wes will be here in a few so go shower, breakfast will be ready in a few minutes" I nodded standing and walking to the bathroom after telling Walla to get me my suitcase from the car which he happily did. We spent the day together and true to their words, I didn't think about Jared the whole day.

Though when the night came, I couldn't help but think about him.


Sorry for the late update. I'm just soooo fucken busy. But let me hope you enjoyed this chapter.

I don't know when I will update the next chapter but I will try my best. It took me a week to write this yet it's short. But if you like it you know what to do.

I love you all.

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