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requested by AroobcomAbkry( in english )

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requested by AroobcomAbkry
( in english )

WAVING your hands in the air, you bid good bye to your two friends, Ari and Dae-un as you all separated ways home "You done?" Someone said from behind, you sees Owen with hand in his pocket "Yes, you are so impatient, geez." The both of you walk side by side, talking with each other about your upcoming tournament "You still haven't get kick out yet? Wow that's surprising!" You steal an eye roll at him, "You are so annoying, no wonder Shelly don't like you..."

He look at you with a pretend hurtful face "Ouch," You laugh hitting his back multiple times "I'm joking, chill"

"Anyways, you free tomorrow? Since it's Saturday and my  coach also gave us a day off so I'm wondering if you want to go and watch movie with me! I haven't pick a movie---"

"I'm sorry Y/n, I can't. I have a hangout with Dae-un tomorrow..." A hangout? With Dae-un? Why haven't she told you anything? You were hurt but decided to play it off "Oh, I didn't know you two were close friends?" He awkwardly chuckle "She approached me two days ago and asked for a hangout so I thought why not right?" Your eyes diverted on the road, humming "Ah yeah, of course" He looked at you, confused "You okay--" You suddenly ran and looked back just to waved "The bus is here!" You ran inside paying and seat on left vacant seat, Owen look from the window waving at you, you smile looking infront and hid your face from him.

He was confused, the bus started moving and you turn to him again giving him a small wave, he didn't had the time to wave back you turn back around looking at the front, normally the both of you would waved at each other til you were out if sight but he kinda of flattered not today, he sighed fishing his phone inside his pocket and call for Shelly but nothing coming from the blonde, Owen sighed in defeat groaning left to go home.

The next day since Owen rarely sees you at school because you mostly at the school gym and his class was far from there and none of his daily routine made till there so basically there's no reason for him to suddenly interrupt "But it just a small talk so it won't harm right?"

No it did, he was yelling for your name while you and your team practicing, the other team was in charge of serving at that time and accidently flew the ball to your team's side court which gave you a 'chance ball' but since the loud shouting shocked you resulted for the ball to hardly hit the bridge of your nose leaving it terribly bleed.

You rolled your eyes at him, his eyes quivering in fear, your teammates helped to put on eyes or sort of napkin on your nose to stop it from bleeding so much "What are you doing here? Interrupting my practice and stuff?" He chuckle, scraping the back of his nape "I wanted to ask you something" You furrowed a brow "And that is....?"

He gulped "I don't know if it's just me but last night you were acting strange--ever since the hang---" You closed his mouth, shooting a glare his way "I don't know what you talking about? Whatever get lost now, We still busy practice see you after--Nevermind good luck on your date..!"

You threw away the napkin on the bleacher leaving him in wonder, he later went back to class and got scolded for being ten minutes late.


"Owen!" I heard someone calling my name, I turn around seeing Da-eun dressing in a casual white dress and a pair of heels "I'm sorry were you waiting long?" I shake my head a no and we immediately went to a cafe to have a drink and a talk "So....You finally decided to asked me for help! How's everything going with Y/n by the way," I sulked a bit remembering that she's been acting strange "I think she's mad at me..." Da-eun looked at me, puzzled "Why so?"

I sighed shrugging my shoulder, Da-eun processing with her head then asked me about everything happended since last night which I did. She gasped fist bumping the table "I think I know why! She's jealous! You know what that means?" I shake my head "Idiot ot means she like you too! You are such an idiot! The moment she asked for a 'hangout' you should've just accepted right away, think Owen it's like she's asking for a date but when you told her no cus you panicked that I can't help you well she did. We couldn't hangout today and you can't ask for my help at least you achieve a first date with her, idiot!" Moment of realization hits like a truck

I sighed out loud, Da-eun chuckle "It's okay try making out to her tomorrow, I'll sort out the gift and your job is to give it to her, ask her to be your girlfriend I don't know!" I went to shake hands with Da-eun thanking her aggressively

She pushed my hand away "You haven't told Y/n right?" I asked out of nowhere "About what?"

"You know, you being a....lesbian..." She smile at me "No I haven't yet, I couldn't but I will someday, good luck with you and her Owen." I thanked her again, she stood up "Please take care of her yeah? Not just a friend because if it's just as a friend I can do that too but more, as a partner, someone she spend all her lifetime with." I nodded giving her my word.

She laugh patting my hand


I woke up early because my coach have told me about our morning practice, I wore my school uniform bringing a spare P.E track form inside my tote bag, I grab my phone putting it inside my bag and skipped downstairs "Good morning!" My mom greeted, smiling at me. I smiled back at her grabbing an apple "I'm late, going now bye!" She didn't have the time to protest, I already zoomed out of the house running to the bus stop and wait for bus.

"Y/n!" A familiar voice was calling out for me, I turned to the left seeing Owen running and panting "Am I late?" I stare at him in confusion "Why are you here?" He tilted his head aside abit "I mean why not?" I scoffed "You always complained about not wanting to go to school so early, so it's kinda surprised me seeing you so early..." He chuckle scratching his non-itchy nape "Oh by the way, I have something to give you!"

He pulled out something from his pocket, in his hand showed a locket with peonies flower printed on it, "W-what..."

He giggle "Come on let me help you wear it" I turn around, and he helped me putting it on gently, "Open it up!" Inside of the locket had a picture of you both at the amusement park, it was your first hangout together as a friend after Shelly introduced you both and on the other side of the locket is a picture of...him...Alone.

He is standing while smiling at the camera doing the heart shape pose "You look goofy.." He started to whine "Don't be mean, how is it! Is it cool?! You like it right?!" You turn to him smiling, nodding "I loved it!"

He jumped out of happiness, he suddenly held your hand in his, the smile never left his face "Y/n wanna date?"

Now that surprised you, what did he mean? Date?! Like dating him?! Coupling?! Is that what he meant but what about "Da-eun...Will she be okay?"

He smile petting your head "So she's right, you were jealous..It's okay we never like each other anyway.." You hid your face in your palm feeling as yourself started to burn up, he laugh at you, gently pulling your hands out and hold one "Your hand's warm, I liked it!" You blushed again, looking on the other "Stop talking in Korean, you sound attractive!" He smirked at you pulling you closer to him "I sound sexy in English either way..."


an: I'm sorry it took so long to did it! I hope you enjoy this and tell me if anything didn't up to your likings. Have a great day everyone :D

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