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DISAPPOINTED. That's how Juhwan felt at the moments, another of his girlfriends--or rather ex girlfriends just left him and it's been the second times, "Come on Lia, tell me so I could improve myself!" She yelped "Ahh look at you, full of sweats not to mention you was a bit smelly too, and please shave that hairy thing in your neck, damnit." She took a taxi "Babe! But that wasn't an ideal way to broke things up!" The taxi rode passed him

"Noona here's some money you can use!" The lady consciously put the pack of envelope inside her bag, a tear escaped her socket "I have something to tell you--"

"What?! What is it?! Tell me?!" She sighed "I'm getting married...!" Dumbfounded yet again, she left the restaurant jogging with Juhwan almost catching up to her

"Yes what is it?" The girl groaned "You are on your phone again!" She stood "You cheated on me didn't you? Ahh guys are all the same!" She slapped him and left with stomping feet "Wait Gyubin! No!!" Juhwan sat on the bench, "Ahh I can't believe this! All these years yet I still get left behind!!" He walked from the table and left to go to the hotel he booked for his now ex lover. Wind gushing so hard it blew everywhere and even his suit. All his effort to make this day memorable with Gyubin gone because she thought him of cheating. He remembered he even lit candles inside the hotel room---He gasped "The candles?!" He's doomed, he left the hotel not bothering to unlit the candles

He started to run seeing a huge commotion outside the hotel, the firefighters were already there trying to put down the fire, the hotel owner fuming in anger and he could sense it "One of the guests being an airhead and left his place with candles lit everywhere, Shit I'm so mad---! There he is!"

Head in-between the bars, Juhwan plead all the officers passing by to let him go but none of them budged, he sigh "At least change my cell, this dude smells as if he haven't bath in weeks!" The throw him a disgust look, the sound of heels clicking, a woman dressed in a short black dress, appealing red lipstick paint her plump lip, her prada branded bag over her hand, she's smiling at the officer realizing that the hotel owner is still there, she took off her black glass and smile "Hello, I'm so sorry on my friend's behalf.." Both the hotel owner and the officer shook "Ah it was nothing, Oh my god you look prettier in person, I really loved your new drama it was so good," The woman chuckle, bowing her head as a thank you "Could we take a picture?"

Juhwan at the side watching in disbelief "She's a total goddess!" She looked over her with proud, the officer and the hotel owner took many pictures with the woman and they discussed something after about Juhwan

"You jerk, you owe me another one, just how many times is this?!" Juhwan massage his friend's shoulder "Aigoo Y/n, let's buy you drink alright? You seems like you are having a bad day!" She yelled "Yes! You ruined my blind date with that stupid phone call you asshole!" She hit him with the bag "Anyways where is your new car?" She glared at him "I'm going to the blind date with the guy's car so I had to took a taxi here! Listen this is all because of you! Pay me back!! I want drink!"

He laugh "Yes, yes your highness, I'll treat you drinks" They went to a bar of their friend "Hey Lia!" Lia look at her side "Oh Juhwan, Y/n!" She set them a table "Take a sit, would it be the usual today?" Y/n smile and nodded at her "Yes but I want extra soju today." She did the okay sign and left them "Your treats right? I don't have cash with me right now" Juhwan chuckle and nodded "Yes it's on me" The drinks arrived, Y/n had a lot more than usual, chugging straight from the bottle, her cheeks turn pinkish, she hiccuped once "This..guy I met...was...was my schoolmate, w..wanna know..." She hiccuped again, wiping the stained using her hand "...He ac..actually had a..fiance...But---he's...ric...rich rich.." She slumped on her friend's shoulder "Haha so that's it? Because he's rich?" She hit her chest "Shut up bastard, he's better than you, you cycling freak!~"

Y/n's head stayed on Juhwan's chest, slowly she looked up "You are hot...But it's a pity you were born to be so dense..." He glance at her, confused "...I...pushed my feelings ..aside...because you keep liking...other w..wom...woman.....damn it.."

Juhwan froze "What?"

The woman didn't says a word after other than "Fuck...you.."

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