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一 The girl weeping on her own, her palms covering her ears while the two boys beat her up using a branch "Creep! You monster!" One of them spoke "Go away, you monster!" She started sobbing louder "

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The girl weeping on her own, her palms covering her ears while the two boys beat her up using a branch "Creep! You monster!" One of them spoke "Go away, you monster!" She started sobbing louder "...I'm" She wiped her runny nose using her sleeve "Not a monster..." They continued to beat her

"What are you guys doing?!" The first boy got his butt kick as his face landed against the concrete "June.." The boy had steam out of his nose and his ears "I will kill you both!" He started chasing the other two while they cries for help

"Gah we're coming back tomorrow!" They both freaked out jolting from their place the moment June pretend to stand up "June are you okay?" He grunted in annoyance, his face bruised and his nose all bloody "Shut up, I'm okay! Ow! Don't touch it idiot! By the way you..."

He turned his face away from yours "Eh what?" He had his eyes at the front looking all serious "Y/n, you are hopeless if I'm not around so...Don't let go of me." Your eyes widen, head slowly hung low as you muttered a small 'Okay'.

After the cute promise Y/n and June made in elementary school, ten years later...

Y/n was on her own, hand propped against the table as her gaze wondered outside "I'm always free during self-study.." She sigh in boredom "Hey Y/n, who should I hand this print to?" A boy from her class asked, she started panicking "Eh...A-ah..."

'Shit! It's a boy, boy are scary.' 

"T-t-t-t-that...is...on...teach-" The boy glaring sharp directly at her, her stuttering cuts off the moment someone spoke "Oh Min!  You are handing that print? Just leave it on the teacher's desk" The boy hummed glaring at her again before leaving her table, June is standing infront of her table, smiling "You should really fixed your ways of talking with other people now huh, Y/n?" She gazed somewhere else and take out her book from under the table "Ignoring me now aren't you?"

"Are you sure--"

"Guys, it's almost time for P.E! The teacher asked to change your uniform before went to the field!" The class monitor announced to the class who hurriedly packed up their things, Y/n groaned "Haha, let's go! Gotta keep you healthy by doing some exercise." June pulled Y/n up and grab her P.E uniform handing it to her which left her no choice but to obliged and get changed.

Y/n and her unmotivated ass had decided to lied to the teacher about her health condition and sat on the breachers eyeing the girls and boys playing dodge ball "Hey, get up and play with me." She had her eyes to her left seeing June with a ball in his hand, she looked at him for a brief seconds before shaking her head "No, too lazy."

June is getting sulky, forcing Y/n to get up and placed the ball infront of her feet, she had her brow furrowed "What you want me to do?" He chuckle motioning her to kick it lightly, she sighed doing as he asked and they continued to passed the ball back and forth 'Guess wasting my time playing didn't seem so bad.'

Y/n and June had their hands twining as they walked home together, "You know, you should really practice talking with other people besides me, it becoming serious. What if I happened to be gone what's gonna happened to you? Die alone?" She shrugged "Probably..." If this wasn't about a serious situation, June had probably laugh by now "Y/n."

She took a long sigh "What can I do? You tell me? It's always been you the one with me all along ever since I was a kid now you expect me to suddenly get along with everyone who I didn't now and closed to begin with and befriend with them? That's why I rather die alone then get along with people. I hate people." She grumbled, playing with the hem of her bag straps.

June stopped her by tightening his hold on her arms "I'm not forcing you or anything, I will respect whatever your decision is but do you think this is really the bestest idea?" Without hesitance, Y/n nodded her head, he smile holding her hand properly "Alright then, just stay close with me alright?"


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