[48]"That wasn't a dream"

Start from the beginning

You stared down still, blinking and trying to get your head around it.
You moved your arm around and compared it with the other before looking up at them and holding it out to show them.
"I know", Steve said sadly.

You took another moment before looking back up with a small smile, giving them a slight nod so they knew it was ok. It would take some getting used to but for the moment, you were ok about it.

They felt a surge of relief after that and put it back in the bandage before getting a stack of paper off the side.
"We brought these over, maybe you'd like to look at them at some point".
You looked to see the designs for prosthetics you'd been working on and grinned up at them.

You scattered the papers around and spent a few seconds looking at each one. "I have someone to test them on now", you said quietly, more to yourself but they heard anyway and grinned back.

After a while you yawned and started to get sleepy, but your arm was also starting to hurt too much to ignore. Thankfully Bruce came in and gave you some medicine and you finally fell into a deep sleep.

The dream started a while later. It was bad, like the others but felt a lot more real. You began moving your head from side to side and breathing heavily.

At some point you'd jumped from the bed and threw yourself into the corner again, screaming.
Tony and Bruce ran in to see Bucky and Steve trying to reassure you from a distance.

You jumped up and started throwing things around shouting, "I DONT WANT TO! NO!!"

Your eyes were open but Bruce knew you were still in the dream.


Everyone just had to wait until you tired yourself out. Luckily you couldn't throw much as one arm was still strapped up in the bandage.

You stopped and sat on the floor panting. "Y/n?" Said Bruce gently.
You looked up at him and then around the room, confused.

"Can you hear me?" He asked to make sure you were awake.
You nodded and bit your cheek.

Bucky walked over and gently knelt down beside you, "can you tell me what the dream was about?"
Unsurprisingly you shook your head but then everyone else knelt down to.

"Baby girl, I think you need to tell us. We might be able to help and we need to stop these nightmares don't we?"

You started to tear up and place your head against Bucky when Tony knelt forward.

"Y/n, remember when you used to get nightmares all the time until they started to go away? Well maybe if you tell us we can help you again".

You thought about it, "don't like it" you whispered and Tony nodded.
"I know, but we really need to know what happened".

You took a deep breath and started quietly telling the story.
"I-it was a dark road. Completely empty and the sky was a dark dingy grey. There were a few lampposts that made everything look slightly yellow. I was on a bike, like a motorcycle, driving along this road.
And then in the distance I saw a car, an old car, like the ones in Tony's garage. And I drove up to it but I didn't go past it. I drove alongside it for a few seconds before I-I".

You paused to sob and they silently comforted you, so you could carry on.

"I h-hit it. I hit the car and it swerved and hit a post. It was all broken at the front and there was fire and it was so quiet even with the noise from the bike. I turned around and got off it, behind the car and walked towards it. I opened the trunk first and got out some kind of case. It had these small little blue packets inside but i don't know what they were".

Bucky went rigid and wide eyed. His breathing picked up and his head shot towards Steve who looked back at him confused as you carried on speaking.

"And t-then.." you started to cry harder but kept speaking, "i walked around the side of the car. And a man, the driver, was on the floor, i grabbed him by his hair and lifted him up. His face was covered in blood".

Something in Steve clicked as his face dropped and looked at Bucky.

"I hit him and he fell to the ground as a lady screamed. I put him back in the car and walked around to the other side where the lady was".

Tony was crying but trying to hide it.

"I-i hurt the lady to", you sobbed out. Bucky pulled you into his chest and rested his head on yours. Tears silently streamed down his face as everyone else thought about what you just said.
"It's ok", he comforted you.

They needed to talk about this but they didn't want to make a big deal about it in front of you, so Steve came over. "Hey baby girl, you did a good job telling us now lets go back to bed shall we?" He carefully pulled you out of Bucky's arms and into his, placing a kiss on bucks head before walking away.

The other three walked out and into the next room in a daze.
"What was that?" Asked Bruce.
Tony wiped away the last of his tears, "that dream wasn't a dream".
"Its one of my memories" finished Bucky.

"Did she just recount the winter soldier killing your parents?" Bruce asked again, just to make sure.
"Not just recount it. It was through my eyes", said Bucky feeling awful. "They must have done something to her when they took her. We still haven't found a reason for it so maybe they're hurting her using my memories. Or using that to hurt me?"

"Maybe" sighed Tony. "Or maybe they just showed her videos and her mind changed it slightly when she was dreaming".
"Either way, i hate it", snarled Bucky.

"We need a plan going forward" decided Tony, "any ideas?"
Bucky was completely lost so he looked to Bruce who thought about it. "Well, Tony if you keep dealing with security and everything on that side and I'll figure something out with y/n. We need to start by getting her to explain every single one of the dreams she has from now on so we can evaluate them".

Everyone agreed and went to do their jobs. Bucky went back to you and held you close feeling guilty about the dream even though he knew it wasn't his fault.

A while later it was 3am and due to everyone's sleep cycles being ruined most people were awake and doing different things. The only exception being you, and Steve in the chair next to you.

When suddenly an alarm sounded and the lockdown doors closed at every doorway. The lights turned to a low red colour and flashing red lights could be seen in the hallway.

Steve and Bucky's daughter y/nWhere stories live. Discover now