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The Hell Beetle guns were all over the place, the Captains threw them to the soliders including me.

"Protect yourselves! Remember the core, its head and two at its resting heart. EVERYONE!" The commander had stopped and silence had reigned as we felt an earthquake coming. Some had held things around them thinking it was really an earthquake but it wasn't.

Everyone had been scattered, the camp we had been staying in was completely destroyed in an instant. I had my head down and when I looked up, everyone around me had their heads off.

And there was I, faced with the monster, it's black eyes had changed color to glowing green, it meant it had seen it's prey. I was the prey.

In swift action, I had held the Hell Beetle gun and aimed it. I had shot a bullet at its core, one at its head and three more at the resting heart. It didn't do anything, no surprise there, but it had made me use the distraction to escape, or so I thought.

Before I knew it, I was being lifted into the air, my hands and legs had gone limp. I was eye to eye with the monster, ready to be eaten.

"Son of a bitch,"I muttered and it threw me into its mouth. I was mixed up with the slimy juices inside its stomach. Juices that contained poison gases that could kill anyone and dissolve their flesh in an instant.

I could feel myself slowly losing consciousness, but it seemed my mind had a mind of its own, I could feel a smile creeping to my face even I had no idea why but what I knew I wasn't going to die. I could feel a warmth burn in my chest, and with that small hope left in me, I let myself get consumed by darkness.

Just a teaser.
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