Harmless Pranking

Start from the beginning

We all smirk and begin to go around the library. In the magazine section Ed and Em get fancy clothes and I get an outfit that seems like one of those anime characters from Eda's old CDs would wear. The we grab a graphic novel and get cool speech bubbles. After that we all get books about the history of snowballs and have a massive snowball fight.

As we run around, we go past the kids corner and that book Amity was reading to the kids earlier. Edric and Emira don't seem to be paying attention so I walk over, grab it, and open it up. Out comes the main character Otabin.

Carefully, I sit him down next to me and read to him.

"Otabin spends his day alone amongst the many books he'd sewn. With needle and thread, the pages he'd mend. But all the while, he longed for a friend."

"Friend?" He sweetly asks, threading a needle.

"Hey Luz!" Edric calls out, making me turn around, "Check this out."

"Look what we discovered." Emira says, pulling out a book called 'Quacks Eats Snacks'

She opens it up and a duck pops out. It swims through the pages then hops down and swims through the floor.

"Aw. Cute little quackster." I say in baby-voice.

Edric pulls out a pencil and draws muscular legs under the duck in the book. Moments later, the duck sprouts legs and quacks hysterically, severly unnerving me.

"Now he's extra cute." Emira smirks, closing the book and putting the duck out of its misery.

They both laugh and I force a chuckle so I don't seem lame.

"Your turn Luz."

"Oh, I-I don't know." I stutter, taking a step back.

"Come on. Don't stop the fun." Edric says, holding out his pencil.

Hesitantly I take it and look at the sweet drawings of Otabin on the page. He looks so sweet! How can I ruin him? And is it really okay to draw in a book?

"I can't do it." I sigh.

"Okay. I'll help!"

Edric takes my hand and draws angry eyebrows and long claws on Otabin. Something starts to rise out of the pages but I quickly slam it shut.

"I don't want to see it."

"Eh, it's all good. Besides, we didn't come here to doodle." Emira says.

She takes my hand and starts leading me somewhere. I drop the book behind me and walk fast to keep up with her.

We slow down and stop when we go over to the romance section.

"Oh, wow. This town's romance books. Totally lame. I mean, unless you guys are into it?"

"I think I'm into this one."

Edric reaches out and pulls on a book called "The Lone Girl and the Secret Room". There's the noise of a click and the bookself slides back and to the side, revealing a secret room.

"Wow. That's a good book." I gasp.

I walk in and look around while the twins lean up against the doorway.

"Your clubhouse is almost as cool as this one hideout me and my friends had at my old school."

"We don't hang out in a library," Edric laughs, "'Uh teacher, I'm in love with a dictionary!'"

"'I'm studying the dork arts!' No, this is Amity's secret hideaway." Emira says.

"Mittens has gotten too...full of herself. She keeps tattling whenever we cut class."

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