Cheating But No Murder

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Eda pulls me into an empty hallway and sits me down on a box.

"Alright kid," she explains, "The academic triathlon is, as the name would suggest, 3 parts. First is a test of intelligence where a moderator will ask questions and whoever answers first gets the point. Next, an obstacle course to test athleticism. Most of the time it's just a bounce house, so just go fast. Lastly, you have to fight her. Specifically in paintball. To test strategy or whatever. Got it?"

"I think so."

"Good! Let's practice. What's 11 times 7?"

"18!" I quickly say confidently.

"No. 77. I said multiplication. Do you not have the same math as humans?"

"You said answer quickly. I did." I respond, confused.

"Quickly and correctly," She sighs, "Can't really prepare you for an obstacle course, so let's talk paintball strategy. We don't know what the setup will be but there are some things you should know. You loose the first time you get hit, so avoid that as much as possible."

"Alright. I can just move the pellets while they fly towards me so they don't hit. And make mine hit her. Easy."

"Kid! No magic. Lots of people are going to want to watch this so you could easily be caught. We want all your magic to go towards the illusion over your ears. This is going to get rough so you need to be careful."

"Hey, um, Eda? Is there any way I could get out of this?"

"Totally! Just don't show up. Unless of course you signed a contract saying you agree because then you'd automatically lose which would be bad if you said you'd leave town or stop learning."

I just nervously giggle and her confidence drains.

"Say, how about you do cheat? Okay?"


"Hello everyone!" Lilith greets into the mic, standing in the dias with Amity, "The Cabinet is here to give an impromptu demonstration of the type of students we seek. Introducing, Amity Blight!"

Everyone erupts into cheers.

People really like her, huh.

"Versus, the student of Eda Clawthorne. Lux, was it?"

"Her name is Luz Noceda!" Eda yells.

The crowd just grumbles. Makes sense, nobody really knows me.

"So, Eda, just to be sure, how do I not get caught using magic so I can cheat?" I whisper.

"Don't be too obvious. Only do what you have to to win. Answer slightly more questions right with the oracle spells, go slightly faster with that dash spell in areas that are covered, and make minor adjustments to the pellets with levitation spells or whatever. Just don't win too easily."

"Alright. Got it."

"Oh! And make sure you don't hurt her with any of the pellets," She says, holding me by my shoulders, "You need to just hit her, not maim her. I know your magic is pretty strong. So be careful."

I nod and walk out into the middle where Amity is waiting for me.

"Alright Luz, let's see how good you really are."

"That's what I plan to show you."

For the first part, I do exactly as Eda said. I stay ahead, but not suspiciously far ahead. I even try to be consistent with what types of questions I get wrong or right. At the end, I beat her 16-14. She seems mad, but not suspicious.

Unlike Lilith who looks extremely suspicious.

For the next part, I'm honestly surprised at what humans can make. It's actually a bit hard in some places, but I do speed myself up in places that are covered. However, Amity saw I was ahead on the final part and managed to jump hard enough I lost my grip. She climbs up the inflatable rock wall and gets down the slide just before me.

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