Human School

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Willow peaks her head out and sees me on the ground. Thankfully, my hood stayed up.

Eda told me to make sure nobody knows I'm a witch and I plan to keep it that way.

"Oh no. No no no. I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there." She apologizes, offering a hand to help me up.

"It's ok. It only almost hit me." I chuckle, wiping off my pants.

"My name is Willow. And you?"

"Luz Noceda. I'm new it town."

"Oh! Are you transferring to Westside? I go there."


I pause and think for a moment. I did want to go to a human school.

"Yep! I'm transferring to Westside. You mentioned pathways earlier? What exactly is that?"

"Don't worry. When people transfer you just have to get a temporary pin. You shadow someone then you choose what pathway you'll study. If you pass the entrance exam, that is. But you won't have to take it today."

A loud bell rings a few blocks away. A lot nicer than the ones that scream back home.

"Oh. I have to go disappoint my teacher now. Hope you find someone to shadow." She sighs, walking away.

"Wait!" I say, grabbing her shoulder, "Can I shadow you? I might be able to help you with your robot."

She looks hesitant for a moment, then nods.


After a bit of walking, we come up to a massive area, with a few buildings and a garden in the center.

"Welcome to Westside! I need to put some stuff in my locker, and my friend works in the office so he can get you your temporary pin."

She pushes open the doors to one of the buildings and I closely follow behind, taking in everything. There's so many people. Everyone looking unique. There's no uniform policy which is awesome.

We get to Willow's locker and as she's putting stuff away, a younger looking kid reading a magazine bumps into her. He has a different light blue pin.

"Oh my god Willow, you would not believe this month's issue of 'The guide to the unexplained'." He says.

"What's the theme?" She asks sweetly, closing her locker and leaning against it.

"Witches! Apparently, witches have two hearts. One that works like a human heart and another that pumps magic into the bloodstream."

"Actually they have a bile sack connected to the heart. Not two hearts." I correct.

Willow and Gus give me a strange look.

Right. Not the demon realm.

" it in some other magazine." I quickly say, trying to cover.

"Oh. Yeah conspiracy magazines never agree. You must be new here. The names Gus. Gus Porter."

I shake his hand and when I take my hand back, a plain light-grey circle pin is in it.

"Noticed you didn't have one yet. So, you're shadowing Willow?"

"Yep! The...animatronics pathway looked like fun!" I chuckle.

"Androids. And you have plenty of time to see for yourself. Surprised Bump didn't tell me we were getting a new kid. Also, no hoods allowed."

He reaches up to pull it down. Quickly behind my back a cast an illusion over my ears so they look human.

As long as nobody touches them, I'll be okay.

"So, what pathway are you in Gus?" I ask casually, I think successfully hiding how panicked I was just a few moments ago.

"I'm in physical arts. Theater, drawing, sculpture, stuff like that. I want to work in the government some day and everyone knows, if you want to go into politics, you have to be good at acting."

I chuckle but he actually looks serious.

The bell rings again.

"Gotta get to Speech. See ya Willow! You too Luz!"


The teacher waves away another student.

"Your plating is completely awful. Chipping everywhere. It looks like it's covered in toenails. Fail! I swear, if the next android is a failure, you all get extra homework for a month!"

Everyone in class grumbles. Nobody has really paid much attention to me thankfully. They look at me, see my pin, then move on.

"Next up-"

"Excuse me sir!" Amity interrupts, "I'm ready to present mine. AB! Rise!"

The little robot hops out of the box and onto her desk, doing a pose.

"I have always saved the best for last, Amity," He chuckles, "You'll have to wait your turn. How about...Miss Park."

Everyone turns and looks at Willow. They grumble under their breaths about how she's a half-wit and they'll definitely get extra homework.

"You never told me how you'd help!" Willow tensely whispers to me, standing up with her box.

"Don't worry, I'll handle it."

After Potions, Illusions was definitely the track I was best in. This'll be easy.

Willow carefully sets the box down and flips the flaps open. Under the desk, I do a small spell circle. I should be able to make the box look empty and a slightly better robot than Amity without breaking a sweat.

"Android, wake up."

Out of the box, a little green robot hops out and does jazz hands. Sound illusions are a bit harder than visual ones, but Eda has shown me enough TV in the week I've been here for me to get the gist of what robots sound like.

"Bow." Willow commands, looking very confused.

I'm sure I can explain this.

The little robot bows and everyone looks impressed.

"Very good miss Park," The teacher nods, "But can it speak."

Crap. Umm, I got this.

"You might not have programmed me with autonomy, but you sure have a-mom-omy." I whisper, making the sound come out of the robot but louder and more robotic.

"A-mom-omy! Splendid word play miss Park!" The teacher laughs, "A+! And I'd say we have a new top student!"

Everyone claps and Willow's face lights up. Well, everyone except Amity claps. She looks furious.

The bell screams and Willow grabs me by the wrist and drags me out. She leads me to what looks like an outdoor eating area and pulls me into a dark corner no one can see.

"What did you do?" Willow demands.

"I don't know what you're-"

She cuts me off by dumping out the box. A clatter of metal and broken pieces comes out.

"I'll ask again what did you do?"


There's no way I can cover this.

"It must have been magic?" I nervously chuckle, looking away.

"Look me in the eyes and tell me how you did that. And don't lie." Willow says, grabbing my face.

She is really scary when mad.

As she's holding my face, I feel a finger brush against my ear. And just like that, the illusion poofs. Willow is obviously horrified and takes a few steps back.

"As I said," I explain, summoning my staff, placing my free hand on Willow's shoulder, "Magic. But, you can't tell anyone okay? Apparently the Mayor really wants witches so as long as this stays between us..."


Willow and I glance over and see Gus. Who is holding up his phone. Who probably just took a picture.


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