Safe Rain

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"King, buddy," I sigh, watching the dog struggle with a duck sock stuck on his snout, "I don't even know how you get into these things. It's adorable but, literally, how?"

He growls at it a bit before tipping over onto his side. He lets out a muffled yip before pawing at his face finally getting it off. The second he does, he tears it to shreds. He grabs a small piece and brings it to me, wagging his tail furiously.

"Yes King, you did a very good job. You successfully defeated the fearsome ducky sock." I chuckle, scratching him on the head, "You know, if you were from the Boiling Isles I bet you'd be a powerful demon. It's a fun thought wondering what you would sound like. Act like. If only you could have human level intelligence."

His head perks up and he goes over to his bed, nuzzling the old, broken collar.

"Is it bedtime, bud?" I ask, standing up from the couch, following him and sitting next to his bed so I can pet him, "You're so cute with your little paws!"

I hear a rumbling from outside. King hops up and runs to the back door and starts scratching.

Rumbling. It's gonna rain.

And Eda's still out back doing work in the shed.

I stand up and rush to the door. I throw it open and King runs out and up to Eda who's in the back garden.

The rain is going to start any second now.

"Eda!" I yell, "It's gonna rain! Get inside!"

"So what?" She yells back, "A little water isn't going to stop me."

Does she have a death wish? Boiling rains are brutal!

I notice a few drops start to near the house. Filled with adrenaline, I launch myself outside, summoning a shield that covers the whole backyard. I sigh with relief as the drops hit it. However, when I look at Eda she just looks mad and confused.

"Kid! What the hell!" She exclaims, walking over to me, "You can't just do magic out in the open! I keep telling you that there's no magic here so it'd be really hard to explain to anyone who sees. If you were worried about us getting wet, why couldn't you have just summoned an umbrella?"

"Because umbrellas don't stop boiling rain Eda. Why don't you know that?"

"Boiling rain? Oh." She pauses for a moment then starts lightly laughing with a soft smile, "Boiling rain in the Boiling Isles, huh? Fitting. What other weather is there?"

"Gorenados, shale hale, painbows, and stuff like that. Honestly more like plagues than weather. Do you not have those here?"

Eda smiles at me then begins reaching towards my arm, still extended up to hold the shield. Silently she looks at me to ask for permission. I nervously nod. She lightly takes my arm and lowers it. The shield dissipates and rain starts coming down.

It hits the grass, but doesn't dissolve anything. King is sticking his head up to catch some drops in his mouth. Eda sticks her arms out and lets the drops hit her. Then, they start to land on me.

The first one that does makes me jump back on reflex, but it doesn't burn. It's actually kinda cold. It just runs down my arm. More droplets fall onto me and it all feels so surreal.

The rain picks up and I just start laughing. I dance in the rain as it starts to make puddles, splashing and getting my bare feet covered in mud. King bounds over and joins me, tongue flapping out of his smiling mouth. Eda looks on, shaking her head but smiling.

After a few minutes, the rain gets even heavier and Eda has us all come inside. She scoops up King and puts him in the sink while she tosses me a hose for my feet. I step inside and towel off once they're clean. I help hold King down as Eda tries to blow dry him. Finally, Eda heads upstairs to change while I just switch my jeans out for sweatpants.

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