Chapter Nine

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Both of me and Haruhi went to her father's company. "So Rukia, why did you do that?" Haruhi asked.

"My father think I'm the qualified person to run his 'business' but the truth my big brother is the one, so I left the mansion and live in a humble apartment, of course they send me some money whenever I ask." I explained and Haruhi nodded her head.

"So why don't tell Shuri that, I'm sure even a naive, soft hearted, idiot like her would understand." Haruhi said and I frowned about the facts she said about Shuri.

"She's just too sweet to let her know something like that." I said and with that the conversation end.

A staff came and led us to a room. The room was neat and fancy decorations were everywhere. I'm not surprised since I've seen stuff like that and better before. I'm sure Shuri would be shocked and start to touch everything until she accidentally break something. I hope Aoi can handle her.

"Oh! Little sis!" A voice said and turned to, gulp, my big brother, he's twenty three years old. He came to hug me, but I put my hand at his face in attempt to stop him.

"Don't come closer." I said. Don't take me wrong, I love my big brother, but he has that annoying sister complex and I'm still mad at him for agreeing with the arrange marriage that my father sat him up to.

"Sis, you're so mean." Akihiko said. My brother knows about my situation and he want to take over my father business, he doesn't hold any grudge against me for my father decision. My brother and I has similar looks except he has green emerald eyes and short dark blue hair that reach to his chin.

"Whatever." I said rolling my eyes.

"Let's go out sometime." Akihiko said cheerfully.

"He's like a male version of Shuri." Haruhi whispered in my ears.

"I know, I wonder what will happen if they meet?" I whispered back.

After the stupid meeting, we head outside and Akihiko went after us. "Rukia, wait!" Akihiko shouted my name. And I annoyed turned to him.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Yuki and I were thinking of going out together with you, can you please come?" Akihiko said and I stared at his sad puppy face. Ugh, why that look always change my mind.

"Fine! But I'll bring my friends with me." I said. Yuki is my brother's fiancé, I don't like her because she always fake how much she's nice or that she likes him. There's no way they fell in love with each other, they were arranged to each other.

"Alright!" Akihiko said and then Yuki entered.

"H-Hello Rukia." Yuki nervously said. Yuki is twenty one years old, she has short brown hair that reach to her chin, hazel eyes and white soft skin. I shot her glare which made her look down at the ground.

"Next week, six pm, in front of the studio, we'll be there waiting." With that both of me and Haruhi left.

Shuri POV.

The next day at the studio. "Guys! Guys! Look! Look!" I cheerfully said and both of Rukia and Haruhi turned to me and Aoi. "Ai signed us up to a bands competition!" Haruhi and Rukia looked at each other with surprise.

"As Shuri said, as the band's manager I was looking for a way to increase our popularity." Aoi said.

"And what was the answer, did they accept us?" Rukia asked.

"We did!" Aoi said with an elegant smile and showed us the acceptance letter.

"Yay!" I squealed happily. Rukia and Aoi high five each other and Haruhi was as expressionless as ever.

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