Chapter 22 -Leaving-

Start from the beginning

"Show yourself, you worthless being!"

Laufey began laughing maniacally. "Are we not worthless? You think of yourself worthy? Oh boy, I cannot believe you even lie about it to yourself. You have become weak because you think someone actually cared for you."

Then there was Eistrid's face: her cheery, pale but fair skin that glowed like crystal snow as she smiled; her voice that could calm the wild winds; her amusing anger that could bring out his fun side that no one, for the last time from Thor and his other former companions, had ever known; her eyes as blue as the deepest glacier that touched underneath the cold oceans of Jotunheim. She is a gem that shimmered vibrantly with her personality... And made him realize her worth. But... Is he that worthy for her?

"Listen, you selfish old hag. No one is worthy. But I can change... Everyone can change. But unfortunately, you cannot. I will have my business with her, and then after that, you will be the next, Laufey." He threatened.

Loki surged his power through his mind, forcibly taking away Laufey's connection from him. He successfully did. He was getting weaker and weaker and he knew well that there's a little storage of his strength to muster himself through teleportation to reach Cara and Eistrid's location.

Even so, he'll take the risk. Draining all his trick, the air blew around him wildly as he teleported himself from another place. An old building stood before him in a familiar red brick British-styled apartment.

He needed to hurry up.



"Cara?!" Darcy literally jumped at Cara and hugged her. I awkwardly stood there, waiting for them to recover.

"Darcy, it's so good to see you."

"You too. And, you've gained weight, I see."

Cara was about to protest but Darcy decided to ignore her and look straight at my direction. Her jaw gone slack, and a look of confusion was written all over her face.

"Pale girl! You're still alive!" She gasped, and pretentiously raised her hands in the air like something miraclous just happened. "I can't believe this! Didn't you know we've been looking for you for about four months now? Jane just left me here so I have to deal my ass with Erik--"

"Where's Jane?" I cut her off-track impatiently, leaving her stuttering as she answered me.

"She's at Asgard... And I don't know when she would--"

A blinding rainbow light flooded the room that came from just outside the rooftop that stopped Darcy. The air filled in too that heaped our hair swaying along its grace.

"...come back." Darcy continued, the three of us stared at the two figures that stood a few feet away from us.

Thor and Jane.

They were all busy greeting each other, asking some random stuffs about Jane's vacation she had at Asgard. Even Cara joined the girl's talk. And this left me with Thor, who stood sheepishly, watching me observing.

Well, glad to know they had found me. I knew Loki was hiding me away from them all along. Do I find that fair? I don't. Let's put this a point of a teenage rebel for the naive Eistrid. But of course, I've got a cunning plan. A better and mature plan.

"Lady Eistrid--" Thor started but I cut him off.

"Drop the formalities, Thor. Eistrid will do better."

He cleared his throat and continued. "About brother, Loki, did he... Did something terrible to you?"

I feigned innocence and frowned, just to bring up my play. "He... Kind of tried to brainwash me in the first place. I just fought back. I didn't know he's weak against girls."

"He is not. Actually, they are not in good terms with Jane the first time they met each other."

"That's a news. But really..." I sigh and moved a bit closer to Thor. "You know how Loki's tricks work, right? He might be here listening, or watching us like an eagle. He wants me back, Thor. He wants me as a weapon. You don't want that to happen, as the protector of the Nine Realms, am I not right?"

"You're... You are actually right. But, I do not really know of what was really happening. Eistrid, be true to me. How are you a weapon?"

"Loki only knows the truth, Thor. Please, keep me away from him. He will find a way to kill us all." I whispered through his ear and breathed. "Save me."

Thor stared at me, wide-eyed. The sky started to rumble with lightning as gray clouds embrace the heaven.

Thor grips his hammer tightly. "Jane, we're heading back to Asgard."

"What? Like, right now?" Jane stopped chatting with the two girls and went near us. "Why so sudden?"

Thor grabbed Jane on her waist, a serious face on his look. "My brother's here for--"


We all stood there, surprised with someone that yelled at us.

Then there appeared a tired-looking Loki, drained energy and his sweat smudged all-over his face. His expression turned terrified when he saw Thor, then he looked at me, completely confused on what was going on. Thor grabbed my hand immediately. I watched how Loki reacted when the rainbow light took us, ascending into the other worlds again. It was fear and... sadness?

Hey, you think Loki cares about you? I laughed with no humor. The naive Eistrid was raged, but much more weakened when she saw Loki's sadness. I can vomit, but we're still traveling into the anonimity of the galaxy, floating around the colorful rainbow light. I can't believe my job will be too much easy to do.

The naive Eistrid went back sulking in a dark corner of our mind, glad that she chose not to argue more, while she dealt with her new profound feelings.

Asgard was still the same: Gold, brilliant, and royal as it stands sorrounded with diamond-like stars that shimmered on the universe.

I was facing the portal, actually. Thor got my attention and said we have to continue walking on the infamous rainbow bridge that every children mythology book that had described it, a magical one. Twice, I've seen it with my own two eyes, but it was purely a light of wisdom. The Bifrost connects every Nine Worlds to Asgard, the world of the living deity gods.

"Lady Eistrid." Heimdall greeted me inside the mechanical control room of the Bifrost, standing so humble and tall. I am tall but he's way more taller than me. I smiled back, pretending to be in attention with every word that comes out from him.

My eyes landed upon the weird looking control slot in the center of this room. A sword, which I think were Heimdall's, perfectly fitted its blade to the machine, electrifying the gold-metal clock workings. It already ceased down and the lightning's were gone.

The key is at its end.

"Eistrid?" Jane approached me, looking worried with the less attention I gave.

"I wanted to have my rest. Shall we continue, Thor?" I pretended to yawn tiredly, and fixed my dress that was crumpled badly with the terrible transportation we just had.

The three of us started to walk. But my gut painfully pricks, feeling someone was watching me. I glance back and saw Heimdall, watching me like his own prey. Or more likely, I am the predator that entered inside a huge bucket of prey's, as his golden eyes were a hint of uncertainty.

I can see the future of Asgard as I look at the golden palace that stood proudly above, pointing itself at the sky like a king's crown.

A mistake they have made to let such a dangerous predator to enter on what they believed to be their safety den.

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