A World that needs to be saved...

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(This is part one of this story)

It has been months since the Corrupted Spooky kids having fun with the Spooky Month, going through adventures and seeing some AUs of each other, like the Hellbeats but with the Evil Corruption corrupting them.

Today, they were bored and it was hot outside, causing Corrupted Pump to lay there, sweating from his head.

Corrupted Skid was just playing a game on the console that has Godzilla in it. He loves fighting as much as the others are. Especially when players play it.

Time has passed to night as the Corrupted Spooky kids were tired once again as they head to their rooms. One was a corrupted pumpkin room and the other is a corrupted skeleton room with scratch marks on it that Corrupted Skid scratches on.

The two Corrupted kids hug each other before they head to bed and fall fast asleep.



???: Intriguing...

A mysterious Kaiju with butterfly wings was watching down the world of Spooky Night Funkin, seeing the two Corrupted Spooky kids sleeping peacefully in their beds.

???: Those kids... They could use for something from this crystal invasion.

Luckily for her, she found the two to be quite useful to the world.

???: Yes... They'll do quite nicely.

A butterfly Kaiju then heads to their world, heading to the Corrupted Spooky kids' location.


As the Corrupted Spooky kids were sleeping, they were in a dream of a world of fun. Dreams are weird, right? Anyway, the Corrupted kids hear a voice from somewhere.

???: Rise Corrupted Pump and Corrupted Skid, your guidance is needed.

The Corrupted Spooky kids woke up, feeling that they were not at home and not in their cozy place. The shooting stars pass by a butterfly like Kaiju, surrounding in a yellow dust-like magic.

???: Corrupted Spooky kids, I need your powers to help us...

The Corrupted Spooky kids are listening to the butterfly like Kaiju, looking at her.

Corrupted Skid: What's the problem?

Corrupted Skid ask her.

???: Our world is in need of saving once again, and I need your determination to help save it before something evil would happen.

Corrupted Pump's eyes widen in shock by what the butterfly Kaiju said about "Evil". He doesn't want to be evil, but saving the world is his best thing with his best friend and was ready for it.

Corrupted Pump: We can help you, fwend. Where should we go to? Should we fly there?

Corrupted Skid turn to face Corrupted Pump in annoyance.

Corrupted Skid: Corrupted Pump.....

Corrupted Pump zips his mouth and nervously looks at Corrupted Skid, X eyes eyeing the smol bean's small height.

Corrupted Pump: Sorry....

Corrupted Pump squeaked. Before he could react, Corrupted Skid playfully pats Corrupted Pump on the head, just a sign of happiness for him. They face the butterfly Kaiju, looking at them from her up there.

???: I will send you to my world with my powers there. That way, you won't be worried about it.

Corrupted Pump: That's great, fwend! :3

Corrupted Skid: But...what's your name? We haven't ask you your name.

Mothra Lea: I am a Spirit Guardian known as Mothra Lea, the guardian of Earth.

Corrupted Skid: That makes total sense now.

Corrupted Pump: :3

This was the first time to meet a Kaiju in a long time. Now they get to enter a world they haven't been to. Corrupted Skid's confusion just got real.

Corrupted Skid: *in his mind* Wait... If she needs someone to save it, why did she pick us? Are we really that "special" for the task?

Mothra Lea: Now go!

In a matter of seconds, a bright colorful light engulfed the Corrupted Spooky kids, taking them into a new world.

To be continued...

Corrupted Pump's PlaythingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora