Is that a yummy candy?

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You were running for your life as you escape from the corruption that Corrupted Pump did to Skid. You try to remember about the fun times with Skid. Celebrating Spooky Month, eating candy and do the spooky dance.

This moment won't last long. For now, you just have to hide. They're coming for you. Their laugher echoes throughout the whole house.

You found so many doors. Some of them are good, but some of them are a trap. It's like a luck based where you have to test your skill.

You start to think for a moment. Then you hear something coming from downstairs. Sounds like Corrupted Pump and Skid are having fun down there. And they're coming.

You pick a random door. Inside was... a pile of skulls. Spooky, but is it Scary? No, it's not Scary. You choose another door. Inside was... pumpkin pie?! And the humans are eating it?! You start to feel faint, but you close the door. Not wanting to see that one again.

You chose the final door. Inside was... the sweet smell of candy. You sniff the sweet smell and followed it. There was candy everywhere on the floor, the walls and even on the ceiling. You were in a sweet trance, eating all of this candy would make you faint too.

Then you see something sparkly on the floor. It was a yellow candy. It smells like... lemon flavor. There was a note on the back.

It says: This is a Lemon flavored candy. Eat it and prepare to be amazed. P.S. This is not a trap.

Oh no... If this isn't a trap, why would they put it here? Would they want you to eat it? Probably not a bad idea to eat it, right?

You eat the candy and feel the flavor in your mouth as you chew it. You swallow it whole because of its small size. You feel better about yourself or is the the room getting big.

Wait the room is getting big? Then why wou- You're eyes widen in shock as you look around the room getting bigger and bigger. It must be the candy making you small.

As the effect stopped, you look around at the giant candy room. At first, you feel scared, but on the other hand, you feel happy. You have never been tiny size before so this must be a good thing.

Your smile fade as you hear loud footsteps shaking the floor. The door opened up and then you see Corrupted Pump with Skid being fully corrupted. They're looking down at your tiny form as their smiles grew even wider.

Corrupted Pump: Hello Pump~

This isn't looking good for you... What is Corrupted Pump going to do with you now?

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