Spooky Month! (Corruption Mod)

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It was a Spooky night outside. People are dressing up in costumes, going trick or treating, and possibly a Skeleton with X eyes and a jagged smile is doing something Scary.

Wait... A Skeleton with X eyes and a jagged smile? Is this really Scary Month!?

"Excuse me! It's not Scary Month!" Corrupted Skid says to the narrator, sounding not demon like. "It's Spooky Month! And I'm about to call my best friend."

Since when Corrupted Skid can see me anyway? Op nope, nevermind. He can definitely see me. I'm out!

Corrupted Skid grabbed out his phone and crazily dialed Corrupted Pump's number.

Corrupted Skid: Hey Corrupted Pump. It is the Spooky Month!

Corrupted Pump just came leaping over the sky before crash landing like a squeaky toy.

Corrupted Skid: Corrupted Pump ole buddy, ole pal? *pokes Corrupted Pump's head*

Corrupted Pump: *squeaks and gets up* Hi Corrupted Skid! Let's go spook some other Skids and Pumps!

Corrupted Skid: Oh yeah!

The Corrupted Spooky kids run like crazy as the sound of crashing noises came into play. They run over to Skid and Pump's house and started banging on the door.

Skid: Huh? Who's there.....?

Skid looks at the Corrupted Spooky kids and started to feel scared. Before Skid could run away, Corrupted Pump hugged him with cuteness.

Corrupted Pump: Hi friend! :3

Skid: .... *smiles at Corrupted Pump worriedly*

Pump: *looks outside and sees the Corrupted Spooky kids* H-hi there.

Corrupted Pump: *waves to Pump* Hi Pump friend! :3

Corrupted Skid: It's Spooky Month!

Pump and Skid: *looked at each other* Spooky Month! *does the spooky dance*

Corrupted Pump and Skid: *does the spooky dance*

Corrupted Skid: Let's go spook the B-Side Spooky kids!

Corrupted Pump: Yay! :3

The Corrupted Spooky kids head to B-Side Skid and Pump's house and then do the same thing again.

B-Side Pump and Skid: *opens the door*

Corrupted Spooky kids: Ay!

B-Side Skid: Ahhh!

Corrupted Spooky kids: It's the Spooky Month!

B-Side Pump and B-Side Skid: Oooh! Spooky Month! *does the spooky dance*

The Corrupted Spooky kids do this to the Minus Spooky kids, the Neo Spooky kids and the D-Side Spooky kids. It went a while before they meet the Teenage Spooky kids. They're tough to handle with these two.

Teenage Pump: Well well well... If it isn't the Corrupted Spooky kids!

The Teenage Spooky kids grab their heads and bonk them against each other before dropping them to the ground.

Corrupted Pump: *rubbing his head* Ow...

Corrupted Skid: That hurt...

Teenage Skid: What are you losers doing here?

Corrupted Skid: In case you're wondering, it's Spooky Month!

Corrupted Pump: Yay! :D

Teenage Skid: Really? Well if you love Spooky Month, there is a Spooky party on top of that Spooky Forest!

Corrupted Pump and Skid: Let's go there and see!

The Corrupted Spooky kids head to the Spooky Forest.

Teenage Skid: That's where my mother takes me.

Teenage Pump just backed slowly away from him.

As the Corrupted Spooky kids made their way to the Spooky Forest, they call out.

Corrupted Spooky kids: IT'S THE SPOOKY Month...

Corrupted Skid: Hey where did everyone go?

Corrupted Pump: *shrugs*

Just then, a mysterious stranger came out of the darkness and grins at the Corrupted Spooky kids.

Stranger: You have been tricked corrupted kids, and now I come to get your treats.

The Stranger walked closer to the Corrupted Spooky kids as they slowly back away from him.

Corrupted Skid: Oh no... It's the stranger...

Corrupted Pump: This isn't Spooky, this is Scary!

They were almost about to be treats, but a big tentacle-like hand grabs the two and brings them to the underground. It was Lemon Demon.

Lemon Demon: What are you humans doing in my secret lair...?

Corrupted Pump was hypnotized by Lemon Demon's eyes. He couldn't look away from it. But Corrupted Skid can.

Corrupted Skid: I'm Corrupted Skid, this is Corrupted Pump. Who are you?

Lemon Demon: I'm the Lemon Demon... I'm the one who corrupt the two of you... Now you're under my control...

Corrupted Skid: Your control? I don't feel hypnotized.

Corrupted Pump: ...

Lemon Demon: I was talking to your best friend... Corrupted Pump... You're under my control... What is your wish...?

Corrupted Pump: S-Spooky Month...

Lemon Demon: Spooky Month....?

After some explaining from Corrupted Pump about Spooky Month, Lemon Demon took the two corrupted spooky kids to the street.

Teenage Skid: What do you mean it's a bad idea to let the Corrupted Spooky kids into the Forest? They're corrupted and they are kids!

Teenage Pump: *looks up and sees Lemon Demon* Uhh Skid?

Teenage Skid: What?

The Teenager Spooky kids looked at the Lemon Demon as he started corrupting them with magic.

Corrupted Skid: Ha! Got em'!

Corrupted Pump: Yeah... Keep looking at the corruption...

Corrupted Skid: Let's go get some yum yums.

After a minute...

Corrupted Pump: Mmm... Yum yums are yummy!

Corrupted Skid: They sure are Corrupted Pump ole buddy, ole pal.

Lemon Demon: I better head back to my lair, but remember me that you'll watch the shiny stars.

That was the last thing before Lemon Demon teleported away with his corruption magic. Leaving the Corrupted Spooky kids in the street. Luckily they can find their way home.

They do the spooky dance and then walk back home and enjoy the Spooky times they had on their very first night.

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