what she did

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she always apologizes for the same thing over and over again but never changes anything about it. it's still the same shit.

yeah well stop apologizing and actually do something about it. fix it or at least try to fix it and don't apologize about the same thing.

why do you think my arms and thighs are full of scars and cuts? because of school? because of my mum and family? no. it's because of you. you made me think so low about myself, like everything i did wasn't enough. i tried my hardest to be nice even when i felt like a shit myself and wanted nothing more than to kill myself. but i tried, i tried giving you another and another chance hoping you would understand and stop being like this. but you never did and i hate you more than anything.

when i will kill myself, i wouldn't want you to do the same thing. not because i care about you and love you but because i don't want to be with you anymore even in afterlife, if that exists. i would kill myself again in afterlife if that's possible just to not be with you again.

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