Chapter 3

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Magnus had spent the day on his cell, alone and his mind was traveling on Alec. What he was planning to do? The last thing Magnus wanted was his husband to get hurt or worse, however deep down he hoped that Alec would come for him. He stayed there wondering if the shadowhunter was still mad at him. He hoped not.
The sun was no longer upon the sky, but you could see some light coming from the small window. Magnus thought that, if only he could reach it. It was small, but with a little "push" someone with Magnus's shape could easily fit and jump from there. He got up and went close to the door. He jumped a few times,but his height wasn't enough. At some point he felt someone's presence near him and he stayed still. He was right, he wasn't alone. Two guys were standing in front of the door watching him.

" There's no reason trying to escape Bane. Especially now that your dump husband had made the worst mistake of his life". Magnus was wondering what he was talking about. "Come with us. Let's have some fun". One of them said sarcastically. The other unlocked the door and Magnus took a few steps back.

"Don't be afraid warlock we're not gonna hurt you.... a lot". He reassured him with an evil smile on his face.

As they both went on each side of Magnus in order to grab him, Magnus punched one of them in the nose and turn his body to hit the other too. He wasn't as fast as he used to, but he got them by surprise. He punched the other too and took off. The warlock kept running until something hit his head. Magnus fell on the ground dizzy and with the familiar feeling of the headache. 

"I told you to be careful... assholes if he runs away, you are gonna take his place..." Said the man in charge shouting to them. He said some other stuff too, but the warlock couldn't make out what it was.

The room was spinning. At least that what Magnus thought. After he collapsed on the ground, he felt two people from each side of him grabbing him and bringing him back to his cell. They placed him on a chair and he wondered if the furniture was there the whole time or they just brought it.

"What I forgot to mention Bane, was that even if  YOU". He emphasized the latter word and continued. "Try to do anything stupid like... escaping, hurting my men or just pissing me off, there will be consequences". The man added. He walked around Magnus a few times as his people were tying his hands behind his back.

"I forgot to mention something too" Said Magnus tired.

"Is that so? What is it then"? Asked the man and leant closer so he could hear his prisoner better.

" I don't give a fuck about the consequences, asshole ". And with that he tried to hit him with his head.

"Ahh... Bane... I was counting on that actually". He commented with a smile so twisted that even an adult could feel a wave of fear.

Magnus tilted his head to look to him surprised. He was sure now that he wasn't going to escape from this place. The other man turn his body with his hands behind his back and walked towards the door.

"Boys... please make sure that our guest will pay for what he did earlier. Don't go too hard on him though,  we don't want him dead, but neither alive... somewhere in between... I need to inform his husband about the situation. Maybe the young Lightwood needs a little push in order to make his decision".


"Why? What you're gonna do? You're gonna kill me"? All of them laugh except of Mangus. He was trying to get his hands free so he could attack them, but it was too late now the two man start punching him in the face, chest and torso. Magnus was screaming louder every time, but they didn't stop. Although, he was suffering he did not beg them to stop. He just kept screaming and when he wasn't? They were hitting harder.

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