Chapter 6

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Louis watches Harry as he softly snores and he doesn't want to keep him cooped up in his house all day. But, he looks so peaceful and he can't wake him up but as soon as he tries to slither from under Harry's grasp to go to the restroom, the younger boy grips Louis harder and stirs awake.

 "Oh, sorry Lou. I didn't- I'm sorry." 

Louis watches Harry's face turn a deep red and presses a soft kiss to Harry's cheek and smiles.

 "No worries, I enjoy it, believe it or not. But I want to show you the alluring town of Doncaster. Get your shoes on Curly. I'm gonna show you all my secret spots." 

Louis notices Harry's eyes light up and he eagerly nods and starts putting on his boots. 

"Let me take a wee first. But can you start my car? The keys are in the bowl on the counter. Need to warm it up a bit."

"Yeah, I'll do that for you." 

Louis gets to his room and tries to change into something a bit more date-appropriate but also something warm, he's wearing a sweatshirt which is warm but isn't good enough for Harry. I mean Harry showed up at Louis's house wearing black jeans, and a button-up top with a trench coat, Louis had to put in the same effort. 

But he's sitting shirtless in his room staring at his wardrobe and he doesn't hear the door squeak open and the small thud. 

Louis looks over and there is Harry lying on the ground right in front of the door and he doesn't look like he wants to get up. Louis walks over and offers a hand to Harry and then their eyes meet. Green meets blue and Louis swears he feels a spark ignite between them but he just coughs awkwardly and laughs at Harry. 

"I told you, I can't have you falling for me." 

"Sorry, I didn't know- um- sorry. Just wanted to tell you I started the car." 

"Thanks, Curly." 

"You have a lot of tattoos." 

"Yeah, they're all Zayn's work. You like them?" 

"Um, yeah. They're very attractive." 

"Oh, I'm glad you find me attractive, Haz." 

And Louis is getting way better at his subtle flirting game. And he enjoys the power he has over Harry. How soft and shy he gets when Louis gives him a compliment or winks at him. 

"Let me just put on a shirt. How much I would love to have you drooling over me. We need to get going." 

Louis laughs and Harry softly speaks back, stopping Louis in his tracks. 

"I saw the flowers in your car. Were those for me?" 

Louis spins around and catches Harry's eyes which carry this flicker of hope in them and Louis melts inside. 

"Yeah, I picked them and made the bouquet myself. Do you like them?" 

"They're beautiful Lou. I love them. Thank you." 

And maybe Louis is caught off guard but Harry is now burying his face into Louis's neck. He feels a kiss pressed into his neck and Louis wraps his arms around the younger boy's waist. 

"You deserve all the flowers H." 

And Louis hears sniffles and his heart breaks. 

In just above a whisper, Harry speaks, "Thank you, Lou. Nobody's gotten me flowers before." 

Louis pries Harry off of him and searches in his eyes for the lie but all he sees is a boy staring at him with so much hope, wonder, and small tears. 

"I'll always get you flowers. I'd give you the moon and stars if I could. You deserve it all. Don't settle for less please." 

Just A Flicker Of Hope - L.S.Where stories live. Discover now