Vi x reader who can sing well

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  You swayed your hips as you made your way through the kitchen, sweeping up all the dirt singing the lyrics to your favorite song as it plays in the background, your voice floating throughout the apartment

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  You swayed your hips as you made your way through the kitchen, sweeping up all the dirt singing the lyrics to your favorite song as it plays in the background, your voice floating throughout the apartment. A couple minutes later the door opened and you heard Vi take off her gauntlets, setting them down with a loud thud. "Hey I'm home! Where are ya?" You heard her call from the door.

   "Kitchen!" You respond quickly, resting the broom against the counter as Vi walks into the room. When she walked in she scooped you up in her arms and twirling around before setting you back down and pepering your face with kisses making you laugh, "What's got you in such a good mood today?" You ask, placing your hands on her shoulders.
   "Operation went smoothly got to beat some people up." She answers simply, shrugging her shoulders while setting you down, hands still on your waist. "What have you been up to?"

   "Had the day off so I thought I should do some cleaning." You explain. Vi nods

   "I'll help what else do you need to do?"

   "Wipe down the counters for me?" You ask she nods again picking up the rag scrubbing the counter as you pick the broom back up falling back into the rhythm of things and you start singing again.

   Twenty minutes later you finish sweeping the house and put the broom in the closet.
   Three hours later you're lying down in your shared bed as you read a book waiting for Vi to get out of the shower. When she did you mark your spot and let her crawl up next to you resting her head on your chest, arms wrapped tightly around your middle.

   "N/n?" Vi starts looking up at you, you just nod, "can you sing to me?" She nervously asks her cheeks a little red at the slightly childish request.

   "Course Vi." You assure her. combing your fingers through her hair as you start singing a lullaby you know Vi's mother used to sing to her and Powder. As you get to the end of the song her eyes flutter shut and she starts snoring quietly. You smile at Vi, kiss her forehead and start to fall asleep yourself.

Heeeey I'm baaack~ Sorry for not posting for like two weeks and this being very shitty, very busy being mentally ill. I also went to New Orleans, but hopefully I'll be able to start posting more regularly. Also here is a meme of Jinx and Ekko as an apology.

 Also here is a meme of Jinx and Ekko as an apology

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Word count: 426

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