"I'm going away for a few weeks. I have some tasks to assist on to show my allegiance. Malfoy's gone through the same thing before. We all have to do it." He told me flatly, shuffling his feet on the floor anxiously.

"You're leaving me?" I questioned, feeling the tears build up in my eyes while the lightning flashing outside lit up his pale and tired face.

"I-" he let out a long sigh. "I don't want to hurt you. I love you so much, Emelia." He told me while he shook his head. "But I'm supposed to leave as soon as I can. Tonight." He whispered, making me squeeze my eyes shut and let my tears rush down my cheeks.

"What does that even mean? What are you saying?" I panted, feeling like my insides were shredding themselves apart.

"I think I need to let you go for a while so I can do this." He whispered, dropping his head and letting out a small sob. "I can't have anything holding me back, you saw what they did to Draco." He shook his head. "I won't survive that." He told me honestly.

"So you're breaking up with me?" I whispered, leaning all of my body weight back against the wall to hold myself up.

"I don't think I really have a choice." He replied, letting out a shaky breath as his teary eyes avoided mine. "I want you. I want you so badly it hurts. But that's all apart of the problem. It-" he cried softly. "It already hurts. How badly will it feel when they try to rip me apart to disrupt my feelings for you?" He mumbled, looking down at the ground.

I let my sobs escape my lips as I slowly slid to the floor. Theo finally stepped towards me, leaning down next to me.

"Baby, I'm going to love you forever. If this all works out, maybe we can make it work when I return. But right now, I can't hold you back to wait around for me and I can't hold myself back from doing this." He cried, reaching his hands out to touch me.

"What if-" I cried. "What if I do something stupid while you're gone? Or I find someone else? Or I-"

"I can't hold anything you do to make this hurt less for you against you. So you're free. All I ask is that-" he sniffled as he reached around my neck and took his mother's necklace back. I sobbed harder as I felt the metal leave my skin, making this feel more real than I imagined. "I just want you to consider taking me back when I come home. If you haven't moved on, and if you still love me." He cried, tucking the necklace away in his pocket. "I'm so sorry. I don't want to do this." He sobbed, making me feel even worse.

"Then don't! Please, don't do this to me!" I cried loudly.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into me. At this rate, I was covered in the blood that lingered on his body, but I couldn't even focus on that aspect anymore.

It just hurts.

"I love you. I'll come see you as soon as I come back. Whenever that may be." He gave me the weakest smile I had ever seen on his lips.

"I love you." I cried, holding his face between my hands. He nodded his head slowly before his lips found mine.

"I know you do. And I'm sorry." He sighed, standing up from the floor of my bedroom and making his way out the door.

I clutched on to my stomach and curled up in to a ball on the cold tile. It felt like the world was closing in on the end, and I wanted nothing more than to be sucked up in to a deep and dark hole and be washed away.

Hours passed as I shook from the thunder rumbling outside my window and my cries filled the air around me. All before my door pushed open abruptly and I peaked up at it from the floor.

"Theo?" I cried, hoping he had changed his mind. Hoping he had come back for me. But he didn't.

"It's Draco." My mother panted as she looked at me. "Narcissa is downstairs. I'm trying to take care of her. Lucius- they-" my mother let out a deep breath. "Someone needs to go to Draco. It's bad." She informed me urgently. I quickly stood from the floor and felt a new pain ringing in my stomach.

Entrapment | Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now