7 | Break up

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Komaeda was in a mall. It was big and filled with people his age. The mall was super popular.

"Yo! Aren't you Komaeda?" A female voice asked.

He tensed up and looked around. Then, dozens of people started taking pictures of him. Komaeda wanted to curl up and die. This was horrible. A crowd started building around him. He tried to run away, but they wouldn't let him through. What was wrong with these people?!

They kept asking him questions and trying to touch him. He wanted to cry as he was backed up against a wall.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" A girl asked.

Komaeda was shaking at this point, until he heard a familiar voice.

"Leave him alone!" Hinata had managed to push through the crowd. He approached Komaeda, who immediately hid behind him.

"Who the fuck is that guy?" A boy asked.

Komaeda held onto Hinata's arm. They didn't want to let the two boys through, but Hinata pushed the people who were in the way onto the floor. Komaeda began running away as soon as he could. Hinata caught up to him and they got onto his bike. The brunette drove Komaeda home. The pale boy was clinging onto him, trying not to cry. He hated attention. He had really bad social anxiety.

When the two of them finally arrived home, Komaeda was relieved. He unlocked the door and asked Hinata to come inside.

"Thank you!" Komaeda gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"N-no problem... hehe,"

That evening, Komaeda saw the photos and videos the people in the mall had taken all over social media. He was so embarrassed. All of them must be judging him. Komaeda was devastated and felt tears building in his eyes again. He took a deep breath and told himself that it was going to be okay. Then, he made the mistake of looking at the comments. Some were nice and telling the person who posted the video that it had been wrong to film him, but some were outright mean. They were talking about how he was acting like a kid and should stop being such a crybaby.

Komaeda deleted all of his posts that had his face in it that night. He also asked his friends to take down photos with him in it. He wanted to lock his door and never go out again. He already had trouble talking to strangers, but now the strangers were filming and trying to touch him? Now way did he want to go through that again.

He turned his phone off and fell back onto the bed. His dog walked up to him and licked his face, but he didn't even react. He loved his dog, but absolutely wasn't feeling up to her games right now. This was too much. He had some stalker and now everyone would try to photograph him too? Komaeda sighed.

His parents walked into his room. "Sweetie..." His mother began. "We saw those videos of you at the mall. Are you okay?"

He shook his head. "Leave me alone..."

"Hey, honey, I get that it's a lot, but you can handle it. You're strong," His father said.

"I can't handle it! I can't handle anything! I just wanna be left alone..." He sniffled. "I'm scared..."

"I also... In the video, I saw Hinata-san. He pushed those people away," His father said, voice getting serious. "He was... aggressive. I don't want him endangering you. You can't be with someone who hurts people,"

Komaeda sat up and glared at his father. "H-he wasn't hurting people, he was helping me! S-stop being so hard on him!"

"Nagito, I'm your father! I get to decide who you can and can't be with!"

"I'm an adult! Y-you don't get to decide anything for me! Leave me alone!" He pulled his knees to his chest.

Komaeda's mother glared at her husband. "Can you stop? He's already going through something and you're making it worse!" She hissed.

"No, he's with a boy who's bad for him!"

"He's not bad for me!" Komaeda yelled. "He's very sweet, you're just too lazy to try to see it! You always criticize him!"

"Nagito Amane Komaeda! As long as you live in my house, you follow my rules! Do you understand? You're breaking up with him whether you like it or not!"

"Wh-what..?" He whispered.

"You heard me." Then, they left.

Komaeda began to cry again. He loved Hinata. He didn't want to break up with him.

♡ Unexpected | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now