1 | Fight

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Komaeda Nagito was a calm boy with strict parents. He always had good grades and behaved well. Although he was very quiet and pretty shy, his classmates and teachers liked him. He was quite clumsy and unlucky. It was also obvious that he was very pretty, which is why he was often asked if he had a girlfriend. The answer to that was no. Because he had a boyfriend. Hinata.

Hinata Hajime wasn't like Komaeda. At all. He wasn't horrible, but caused trouble from time to time. His grades weren't anywhere near perfect and his teachers disliked him. Hinata was very popular in both his, Komaeda's and other classes. A lot of people thought he was very cool and expected him to be a womanizer, which couldn't be further from the truth. It's not that he wasn't into women, he just had a boyfriend. Komaeda.

Komaeda's parents hated Hinata, but they wanted to make their son happy, so they allowed the two boys to see each other.

Hinata's parents loved Komaeda and hoped he would be a good influence on Hinata.

Komaeda was currently standing next to Ishimaru Kiyotaka. They were both hall monitors and had become pretty good friends over time.

Ishimaru knew that Komaeda was dating Hinata.

Komaeda knew that Ishimaru was dating Oowada.

It was kind of funny. They were both straight A students, yet they both dated delinquents.

"Hey! Do not run in the hallway, Nidai-kun!" Ishimaru called out.

"Sorry!" The muscular man apologized and slowed down.

"Komaeda-kun, have you seen Mondo anywhere?"

"No, I haven't. Did he not come today?"

"He didn't, which worries me,"

"He might just be sick, Ishimaru-kun. I wouldn't worry about it too much- Ah, speak of the devil, there he comes,"

Oowada walked into the school, grinning.

"Mondo! You missed the first two periods!" Ishimaru scolded.

"Good fucking mornin' to you too,"

"Apologies. Good morning. You missed the first two periods!" He said once more.

"Whatever, who cares?"

"I do! Because I care about your grades,"

"Look, I'll go to class extra early how. Bye, see ya later!" With that, he ran off.

"No running in the halls!" Ishimaru yelled, but he was ignored.
He sighed. "He never listens,"

Komaeda looked at his friend. "If you want, I could talk to him next time. It might be different when it's someone who's not his boyfriend, right?"

"Excellent idea, Komaeda-kun! Please, do try that,"

Komaeda smiled. "Alright, I will,"

Nanami walked up to the two. "Just so you guys know, Hinata-kun and Momota-kun are fighting on the school yard,"

"Actual fighting or just arguing?" Komaeda asked.

"No, actually fighting. Like, a fist fight,"

Komaeda gasped and rushed over to the scene, followed by Ishimaru and Nanami.

It was just liked she had said. They were having a fight.

It currently looked like Hinata was winning.

"They're both bleeding, they have to stop!" Komaeda said, stressed out. "I can't do anything though, I'm not strong enough to hold back either one of them,"

♡ Unexpected | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now