Episode 5: No Such Thing As Luck Pt. 1

Start from the beginning

Lincoln lifts his leg as the

Lincoln: What are you talking about?

Lynn: My team has been dominating all season, then the one time you show up, we lose!

Lincoln: That's ridiculous. I'm not bad luck.

Lynn: Yeah-huh, you are! Which is why I'm banning you from all future games. Now scram! I have to make things right with the softball gods. (does her Cossack dance again) Hutta-hut! Hutta-hut! Hutta-hut!

C&W poof in as baseball gear.

Cosmo: I still think she's having a stroke.

Wanda: This may end badly sport, but nothing we can do now, can't wish a contest's results to be reversed. Even if it was rigged by magic in the first place.

Lincoln: I'm sure it'll blow over, most of the stuff that's gone wrong for me has blown over after a day or two.


Back at the house, Lincoln was sitting on the couch reading 

Leni: Lincoln! Are you coming to my charity fashion show? It's for a great cause: oysters without pearls.

Lincoln: (not paying attention) Looks great Leni, can't wait. You looked amazing.

Leni smiled until Lynn jumps down from the second floor and runs up to Leni.

Lynn: (jumps in, paranoid) Leni! No! He'll ruin your fashion show just like he ruined my winning streak! HE'S BAD LUCK!

Lincoln: (still not paying attention) Yeah, that's right.

Leni: Oh, okay, never mind Lincoln!


Lincoln walked downstairs, only to see Luna doing the dishes.

Lincoln: You guys had dinner already? Why didn't anyone get me?!

Luna: Sorry dude, Lynn told us about your bad luck, couldn't risk you ruining a good meal, there are leftovers in the fridge. Shame though, that meal was best served hot, probably gonna stink with it cold.

Lincoln put on an annoyed face and begrudgingly took out the cold leftovers. He went to use the microwave but Lana stopped him.

Lana: Sorry, Linc. No microwave. Can't let your bad luck fry microwave.

Lincoln was about to sit down at the kiddie table but Lola pulled the seat out from under him.

Lola: We don't need you breaking the chairs and table! Go eat somewhere else!

Lincoln ended up eating outside on the porch, unable to eat in the house.


Later, as he gets ready for bed, he notices that there's something wrong with his door which is now boarded up and bound with hazard tape, and there's a note on it.

Lincoln: "Sorry, Lincoln, but you can't sleep here tonight. We can't just risk it?" Are you kidding me?

Sisters: (angrily) NO!!!

C&W then poof in.

Lincoln: (annoyed) I wish I was in my room...

Lincoln was then poofed into his room.

Lincoln: Okay! This has gone far enough! I wish the girls didn't believe in luck!

Wanda: Sorry sport, we can't affect someone's belief in Luck.

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